Beta 3.9 today, Gamma Saturday

Thursday 20th November, 2014 · Posted by Roguey · Comment 0 comments

Over at Frontier Developments they are preparing to release Beta 3.9 today. Beta 3.9 will be a stepping-stone to the Gamma release on Saturday (22nd). The Gamma release is said to be somewhat near the final release, so hopefully a big step forward; hopefully enough to make players reassured that the final release isnt too soon. It seems strange to release a Gamma just a few days after a Beta.

News picture 70

There also seems a bit of confusion with a decision Frontier have made about offline / single-player. Until recently it was thought there would be an offline mode too (where an internet connection wouldnt be needed). However Frontier have decided this wont be the case any more. You will be still able to play single-player mode, but will require an internet connection todo so:

Can I still play in single player mode?
Yes. Some people have thought that dropping 100% offline play means there wouldn’t be a single-player mode - to be clear, the single-player game is already there, but it requires a low bandwidth online connection for the reasons we explained.
I’ve even played on a laptop using a tethered connection on the train.

For me this isnt a bad decision as its one of Elite's main features, being online. For too long space-sims have been off-line only. I rather be online than put-up with horrible DRM's like some developers use.

Let's just hope Frontier servers are up-to the job, as server issues have been a killer for a lot of MMO's in the past couple of years.


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