Ship pages redone

Sunday 12th February, 2017 · Posted by Roguey · Comment 0 comments

During the weekend, I have been re-working the ship pages. I have been asked a- few times if it would be possible to incorporate power management. This wasnt possible in the old format, due to space. So I have been redesigned the pages, and tried to make things easier to understand.

When working on the section I noticed quite a few details were also out-of-date or simply wrong. So this should not be the case anyway. You may need to clear your cache, as your browser cached files will not work (I had to clear my one quite a few times during development).

This update has also rolled over to the ship-build section. So you can create builds with power management too, save and edit them. Hopefully I have caught all the bugs, but if you notice something please let me know. I do hope you will like the new pages and find them easier to understand. Old share-links will work, and newer ones will contain power management in them.

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The next thing to work on will be black-markets.


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