Universe section open, and trade-helper

Saturday 22nd November, 2014 · Posted by Roguey · Comment 4 comments

During the past week, I have been building a new section for Elite: Dangerous; called Universe. The aim of this section was to make a kind-of wiki style section, that people could edit it and update - A encyclopaedia of the Elite & Dangerous universe (which I knew isnt a small thing).

The section is capable of dealing with systems, objects (such as planets, stars, stations, output etc.) and prices of wares/ships. I have imported 700+ systems, 1000+ old trade offers and 40+ stations into the database (a good start). Outfitting (equipment buying) will be added later, when the equipment section is updated.

This isnt the only thing ive done. Awhile back I created a trade-helper, aimed at making it easier to buy/sell items. This section used data from a fire-hose. Which was later was asked by the developers to be shut-down, so the author did. This made the trade-helper very hard to update, since it was designed to work with that data. However I pleased to say that the new trade-helper uses data from the universe section instead. The older trade-helper wasnt designed to cope with a lot of systems.

I know not everything is finished completely - when is code 100% finished? All this was only possible because of my home web-server. More work will be done, but for now id like to see what the community makes of it. thanks.

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