Titan Black Prototypes in stock

Friday 27th March, 2015 · Posted by Roguey · Comment 1 comments

Frontier have just started Scavenger Hunt where you could win a GeForce Titan Black. Sounds good eh?

Well.. at one mystery station Titan Black prototypes will be sold. What you must do is to buy one (which will look like a rare good), then transport to Godel Ring and sell. However Frontier have decided that you must be in open to qualify. So be warned, if you are very lucky to find them there is bound to be a wing or more of pirates waiting to steal your cargo (as they can steal it from you, and claim your prize).

If you do manage to do so, you will need to email community@frontier.co.uk with your Commander name in the subject line along with the words 'I sold an Nvidia Titan Black'.

Its a nice idea for completion apart from all the griefing it may cause. To rub salt in, you would also lose you rebuy credits too. I guess there is always combat-logging which isnt exactly fair, but would you be willing to lose such a prize?

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