The new commander section

Sunday 26th March, 2017 · Posted by Roguey · Comment 0 comments

Over the past few weeks, you may of seen me working on the new commander section (for the Elite Dangerous site). This took a lot longer than I thought due to the amount of work required and other things getting in the way.

The new commander section is aimed at bringing all your stuff together - making it easier to see your ship builds, blogs, flight logs, etc. The section isnt finished yet, as there needs to be more work done to finish off the flight log viewer (quite a few events arent decoded fully yet). However you should be able to import your journal files and browse them.

If you notice any problems or suggestions, please let me know. thanks. I did think about adding another tab for Holo-Me, so you can post pictures of your characters when v2.3 is released.

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