the Mk3 seems to be bugged out, when it should go over 30 ly to look for trade offers in any specific area.
I will show what I mean below:
Look closely at the Profits, they should still be there, even when I higher the Range of Search, only the lower profits should be eliminated. (no?)
Look at the ~1500 Cr. Profit, it should stay where it belongs, right near the top at least, no?

Now 10 ly's more please!
Now the original way is replaced by the same starting point, OK - more profit ...

Now 50 ly's range, the top result in our List until 40ly's is completely gone. why?

Strangely, 50 & 60 ly behave consistent, only the bottom entries are getting worked, while the top ones can stay.

I have no idea how this works, but somehow it feels off.
Or am I wrong here?
Best Regards,