I recently bought a type 7 and began buying and selling Gold, as I found a source less than 20 LY away from a booming economy system that is buying at a decent price. I made runs all weekend, gaining 2.2 mil each return trip and very quickly reached ally status with the Federation controlling the station.
So I figured, screw it, time to work on gaining faction rank, hopped in my Vulture to do a little bounty hunting and take some combat missions from the Feds, and now there's conflict zones all over the system and every time I dock the Tower makes some mention of the ongoing hostilities.
Did the civil war start because of my alliance and trading with the Federation? or was it always going to happen and I happened to move in at the right time?
Did I help start a civil war?
Board Index » Elite Dangerous » Did I help start a civil war?
Rookiguey (4)
Rookiguey (4)
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