Some more info on Rebirth

Wednesday 20th April, 2011 · Posted by Roguey · Comment 0 comments

It seems there are some more details about X Rebirth in X news letter. I thought id post about encase you miss it. Here's an example:

Q: Why another X game? What happened to the "end of the X trilogy" statement?

A: Well that is still true. At least partially Wink
We worked on the old X games from 1996 until 2007. That was 11 years of development and 11 years mostly filled with adding features.
Adding features is pretty cool, as you have this solid foundation. You never have to start from scratch. We replaced the graphics engine twice, and we made many other big changes to the technology, but we were never at a point where nothing would work. Thats a very luxurious position for a game developer to be in.

To see the full news letter, click the picture below:

News picture 3

Additional all X staff member have access to the news posting on the X Rebirth site. I may need a few more people to help out with news, pictures etc. Please let me know if you can help out.

ps. Egosoft have open up a new fan page on Facebook, which can be reached here.


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