New races
Below are all the new races that have been added and fleshed-out in the mod.
The Goners
The Goners are peaceful race, spreading the prophecy of Nathan R. Gunne's. In their travels they have came across many hostile races, so reluctantly had to arm their new ships.
Goner Ships

Goner Sectors
You will find 2 more Goner sectors in the mod, one including their own shipyard.
The Terran
The once lost people of Earth have found a gate to reconnect them to the x-universe. However instead of meeting friendly races, they find hostile races and a distrustful Argon fleet.
Terran weapons
Both Alpha and Beta version of the Terran weapons use a unique beam. The beam is similar to that of the Khaak but looks better and does more damage.

Terran sectors
For restarted games, there will be 4 populated Terran sectors. Each sector has a unique number of ships and are owned by Terrans (no Argon owned trick's). You will be allow to roam Terran sectors freely without having to unlock anything. The sol system features earth and the sun:

Terran stations
The Terran's will own some stations (including a EQ and a shipyard) and they will also produce products. The Terran's also make a new ware called - Fuel cells.
New Terran Destroyer (M2)
Created by Crip67, the new Terran destroyer can be found in most Terran sectors. The Terran Aurora is a powerful ship featuring 1 x 10GJ and 48 Terran guns. All Terran ships and weapons have been balanced out, so they are not so over-powered (but still are powerful). Here is a picture of the Terran Aurora (M2) with a Terran Odin (M1) in the background:
The Yaki
The Yaki are a ruthless pirates who have given advantage of the weaken Argon fleet, causing panic and confusion.
Yaki Ships

Thanks to killertide, the Yaki a have some unique fighter ships ranging from a M3+ to a M5. Later on, Crip67 made a M6 for the yaki called the OMega.
Yaki sectors

The yaki have also gained 5 more sectors, which mean they have their own unique area of space.
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