New ship classes
Below are all the new races that have been added and fleshed-out in the mod.
M0 ships

However you will find just 1 x M0 ships, but 3 thanks to Crip67 and me (Roguey).
The Xenon M0 (made by Crip67) is named the Xenon V, whist the Khaak M0 (made by Roguey) is simply named Unknown Enemy sector, while finally the Argon's M0 is called Argon Goliath (also made by Crip67).

The M6+ Range
The M6+ class of ships brings life back to the M6 class. The M6+ class feature increased turrets, more shielding and at least one docking point. The M6+ range acts similar to that of the X2 M6 class. All M6+ ships can only be brought at one shipyard, and every race has at least one (including the Khaak and Xenon's).

The Tender Range
The filling up of large capital ships used to take a long time. You could do two ways:
- either docking at select stations or,
- beaming goods off a TS ship.
However thanks to PJM, we have introduced the Tender class. Tender class ships are mini-TS ships which can dock on most capital ships. Tender class ships are known as Resource Transporters. Each main race (Argon, Boron, Split, Paranid and Teladi) has one unique Tender.
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