Thanks to
New ship models
Thanks to PJM, Killertide, Crip67 and =DC=Shadow for the new ships. All of them have done an excellent job!
- (M3+) Perseus Proto,
- (M3+) Naja,
- (M3+) Nova-X,
- (M7) Split Wulfen,
- (M7) Khaak Cruiser,
- (M7) Xenon T,
- (M3) All Tender ships (M1/TL/M6+ loaders),
- Yaki ships (M3+, M3, M4, M5),
- Goner ships (M3, M4, M5),
- Roguey's Command Ship (M7),
- Roguey's Fighter Ship (M3),
- Gun Platform,
- Split Thorn, Hawk, Bat (M3, M4, M5),
- Terran Tug (TS),
- Terran Solitas (M6),
- Terran Aurora (M2),
- Xenon V (M0),
- Argon Goliath (M0),
- Argon Themis (M7),
- Yaki Omega (M6+),
- Pirate Bayamon (M3),
- TerraCorp Notus (M1),
- TerraCorp Aquilo (M2),
- TerraCorp Hunter (M3),
- TerraCorp Protector (M4),
- TerraCorp Seeker (M5),
- TerraCorp Zephyr (M6),
- TerraCorp Merchant's (TS),
- Pirate Galleon (M1),
- Pirate Man-O-War (M2),
Billboard adverts
- Argon: "Argon Goliath",
- Teladi: "Be Teladi, Be rich",
- Teladi: "Make Profit with Teladi",
- Teladi: "The ship of traders",
- Teladi: "Teladi welcomes new business",
- Goner: "Be a goner enjoy Harmony",
- Argon: "Nova-X",
- Paranid: "Rules",
- Paranid: "Say No",
- Paranid: Advert board,
- Teladi: Advert board,
- The Teladi advert about ships (orange writing),
- The rest :)
Scripting help
Thanks to Cycrow for his help with some scripting problems, help with the auto-repair system, use of his Salvage Claim software and some library scripts for number formatting.Bulletin Board System Text
Thanks to mossfoot, for writing some of the text for the BBS system.Khaak Start
A big thanks to jacer for giving advice, testing and help with improving the khaak start position.The rest
RU4PT, translating the English text mod into Russian and colour coded sectors,, for the main Russian translation,
Andreas, for the German translation,
Uros Osium, or some of the new object descriptions,
Gomorragh, testing v3.1, help with some statistics and advice!
Aerukath, testing v3.1,
PabloRSA, Help with scripting - how to find equipment docks and add wares to them,
TycHouse, Even more help with scripting, how to make the code run only one instant.
Doubleshadow, for all the mod tools! Couldn't have done it without them!
SLeeZeCoRe, for the Pirate Salamander Design!
Tha_Reaper, for spending much time testing and for some great advice!
Maever, for testing, advice, some textural comments and hosting,
Lancefighter, for helping me fix the Windows Vista problem,
halo112358, for the additional work on turrets,
Egosoft, for the unused M3/M6 Khaak, Omicron models and X3!
And everyone else who sent in comments and questions!
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