Buyable sectors
There are 3 more sectors you can buy, named Kappa, Theta and Sigma.Sigma
Sigma (8, 5) costs the most at 750 million credits. The reasons for the high price are because of its location in the map (in the middle), new background and the free stuff in the sector:
- 12 x Beta Kyon Emitter,
- 2 x Photon Beam Cannon,
- 2 x 800 MJ Shield,
- 2 x Ion Disruptor ,
- Terran Thor,
- Pirate Bayamon,
- Xenon K v1,
- X Trader,

The next sector Kappa (17, 6), is priced at 350 million credits. In Kappa you should find heaps of asteroids, which could mine or place mines on. This maybe a good sector to start up your own empire in. You will need to destroy the Xenon T (M7) in this sector first.
The last buyable sector - Theta (7, 4) costs 250 million credits. This sector is much more basic than the other two. You will also need to destroy a few of Xenon ships (2 x LX, 1 x R).
You should start seeing sector for sale when you have over 100 million credits.

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