Starter Bundles/Auto Subs

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ckon9 avatar
Level badge Rookiguey (4)
Posted 5 months ago.

Hey all, new player to the world of Albion 2 weeks ago. I bought one of the $5 starter Bundles when I first started and noticed that Albion turned that into an auto recurring sub of 7days premiere. I find this very predatory, but is actually not why I'm posting.

I also noticed that I no longer have the option of the other two $5 starter Bundles even though I was told they would be available until I did buy them. Why is this? I wanted to get the free gold and vanity items as I planned to sub anyways and am disappointed that these options are gone. Is this normal or some sort of mess up?

I recently came to Albion after boycotting and leaving RuneScape 3/Jagex due to predatory actions and this is leaving a very sour impression from Albion creators. I get companies need to make money, but I am sick of blatant money grabs from them all. Where does the line get drawn?

Point of post is 2nd paragraph, anyone have an answer?


larkimpressive avatar
Level badge Rookiguey (4)
Posted 1 month ago.

You'll probably need much more time t you have to return your money for this game. It's not easy. basket random


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