Are m'7s worth buying???

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martimus avatar
Level badge Boneguey (9)
Posted 12 years ago.

A M7M can kill anything, but you need a sizable missile complex to keep it fed with missiles (I just finished putting together a 12 Flail, 10 Hammer complex in Cathedral of Xaar, which is added to the 7 Flail and 7 Hammer factories I already have, and it finally seems like my supply is enough to meet demand.) That said it is the only kind of M7 I have ever flown personally. I know I can clear out anything with it, so when the going gets tough I just call it in. I should try out other ships too, but I usually let the AI control my other capitals when I want to see a big battle.


Rassyu avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 12 years ago.

well the bigest fight i did with it so far was 2 xenon Q's first one died really fast,secound one took some work but over all it held out nicely they had some other ships with em(mix of M'5s,M4's and M'3s) but they did not have the damage out put to take my sheilds down in the end i think they droped below 10% but no hull damage.

my room mate bought the tiger its over all stats are better than the thresher but getting some IBL's can be a pain though he does not have all 8 of em yet.

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