Black colour scheme

Thursday 17th March, 2016 · Posted by Roguey · Comment 0 comments

Awhile back a person contacted me; asking me if it was possible to switch colour schemes. They said the trade-helper was simply too distracting because it was so bright; it was lighting up the room whilst playing at night. During the past week or two, I have been working slowly on a darker colour scheme.

The scheme isnt finished, and nor does everything work brilliantly; the site has been designed for a light colour scheme. However for registered members its now possible to switch between them (found on the settings page - top of page). It could be possible to add other schemes in the future, but for now you have a choice of two. You can change back to the white-scheme on the same page.

This colour scheme switch effects the whole site - x-sites, elite dangerous, forums, etc. I have bound to missed a few pages whilst updating support for the darker colour scheme. Enjoy.

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