Disney Pixar's UP (Review)

I would say Up isnt miles from where this game is - as the story seems to be up in the air. I have not seen the film but I am a believer in a film/game being able to tell you the story rather than making you read a book, etc. to explain whats going on. There are cut-scenes between levels, however they dont really explain much; as they are thrown together.

The game is definitely aimed at younger audience, as there isnt much of a challenge. You are required solve a few basic puzzles, and some basic combat (fighting some dogs). Its not a long game and so could be considered a bit of a trophy pinger rather than a challenge.

One thing which did surprise me is the addition of a multi-player mode. I think these trophies can be done with 2 controllers, but otherwise would require another player - which may be difficult to find in the future. I am not a fan of these half-arse tempts of multi-player, as they are often pretty bad.

Review picture id 1

All in all, its an ok game for a few trophies but nothing ground breaking. A game you would rent for a weekend for some extra trophies.

Our score

7.0 out of 10
by Roguey

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User score

0.0 out of 10
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The good
  • A gentle game for trophies/achievements
The bad
  • A bit lacking
  • The story isnt very well explained

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