Station section WIP

Saturday 9th June, 2012 · Posted by Roguey · Comment 6 comments

For a long while ive been wanting to add my detailed station information to the X3AP site. This data includes information on construction times, prices, locations of where they are sold, profits and more.

So today ive been working on importing the X3TC station information to the X3AP site. However this is a import is based on X3TC, so hopefully not too much as changed (location information is from X3AP). I have checked a few stations and they seem to be correct, so far. However please let me know if you notice any errors (probably will be changes in X3AP).. I know I need to add new stations added in X3AP (I think mostly Terran ones).

I want to stress that the X3AP station pages are in the first draft (sort-of like alpha stage). So I still need to do a lot of work on them. However hopefully, most of the information is correct, and is useful in its current form.

- X3AP stations (WIP),


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