Argon Plutarch Mining Corporation HQ (Albion Delta)

Plutarch's rise to prominence in the mining industry has enabled it to afford this massive headquarters complex, which not only serves as a coordination node for the hundreds of transports and the many mines it has, but also as a repository for its mining equipment and raw materials.

Secondary Notoriety (Min) Price (Max)
Ore Rank -1 48 125 202
Silicon Wafers Rank -1 230 500 770
Nividium Rank -1 7,987 15,975 23,963
Ice Rank -1 48 125 202
Mineral Scanner Rank -1 34,428 37,834 41,240
Trading System Extension Rank 0 8,173 8,982 9,791
Ore Collector Rank -1 29,947 30,874 31,801
Supply Command Software Rank 0 2,917 2,947 2,977

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