Matter/Antimatter Drive (Ship part)

For a long time, the use of M/AM drives was limited to very small vessels like message drones (belonging to a class of self-propelled objects called 'pen craft'). The reason for this was the low availability of antimatter. Only after vessels from long-lost planet Earth proved that larger size M/AM drives were sustainable, research in mass production of antimatter began. The first one to market an H to -H processing plant was inventor Ser-Alman Jonferson.

Today, many medium and large-sized vessels are equipped with M/AM-drives, shortening journeys between planets substantially compared to e.g. directed fusion propulsion systems.

The M/AM drive is considered a conventional reaction propulsion engine.

For dev's: engine_ship_l_liquid_freighter_top_macro

Top Speed* Acceleration* Steering
Engine +76 / -24 m/s +9 / -9 m/s 15

* = (forward/reverse)


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