Plasma/JET LR Turret (Ship part)

The Plasma/JET LR system (LR standing for 'long ranging') is technically related to the Plasma/MA weapon. Strictly speaking, it is still considered a mass accelerator although it is usually grouped under tactical energy weapons rather than MA systems.

The Plasma/JET LR fires a super-heated beam of ionized matter that can stretch across several kilometres of space. Its accuracy is high, as is the damage on impact. However, it must be taken into consideration that the damage inflicted decreases proportionate to target distance.

This weapon system is very effective against large targets such as capital ships but is difficult to lock on to small and agile moving targets.

For dev's: turret_medium_lb_macro

Speed L-Time Range Fire rate Dmg Dmg/min
Bullet weapon 5200m/s 1 secs 4.6km 8rnd/min 80000 600,000


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