Astrobee Launcher (Ship part)

The Astrobee Launcher is more than just a simple turret; it is a highly advanced and technically complex weapon system capable of deploying swarms or 'shoals' of Astrobee Swarmkiller missiles. Its deployment rate of successive swarms/shoals is arguably low, but this is rendered nearly irrelevant due to the AGI-guided nature of the Astrobee Swarmkiller missile. The high targeting accuracy and range that can be achieved using the Astrobee Launcher should also be noted. This weapon system is most effective when used to take out drones and fighter craft.

For dev's: turret_missile_sm_macro

Speed L-Time Fire rate Dmg Flags
Astrobee Swarmkillers 400m/s 20 secs 60rnd/min 4000 x 8 guided, retarget, selfdestruct,


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