Hailstorm/MA Turret (Ship part)

The Hailstorm Mass Accelerator is a high-profile weapon system reserved only for the most advanced military installations and vessels. The projectiles (called 'pellets') employed by the system, albeit of low range, are emitted at high muzzle velocities and thus carry a considerable amount of kinetic energy.

What makes the Hailstorm/MA a truly formidable weapon, however, is its ability to emit large clusters of pellets (commonly referred to as 'Pellet Hailstorms') at once. It can easily take down missiles, drones and even small fighter craft. Its targeting accuracy is, in a way, high; even though not all fired pellets hit their target, the bulk rarely miss.

For dev's: turret_small_sg_macro

Speed L-Time Range Fire rate Dmg Dmg/min
Bullet weapon 1400m/s 0 secs 1.1km 84rnd/min 225 18,900


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