Hardware Supplier (in Ratfish Waters)

Universe » Omicron Lyrae » Eclipse Clouds » Ratfish Waters

The Hardware Supplier manufactures materials needed for the construction of large scale structures such as ship hulls, station skeletons and accelerator rings. While not itself regarded as high-tech, most other high-tech manufacturers rely on materials produced here. The production of large structures requires capability to deliver vast quantities of extra-large building blocks. It is not unheard of for a Hardware Supplier to manufacture steel beams of multi-kilometre length, or coherent steel walls \(hulls\) of several square kilometres.

Owner faction icon
XML macro (for devs) struct_bt_ol_construction_material_macro
Location (for devs) tzoneCluster_C_Sector10_Zone69_macro

2 x Caliba Access module
bonus +0.05 each

2 x Science Crew Annex module
bonus +0.06 each

2 x Science Crew Bunk module
bonus +0.08 each

1 x URV Launcher module

2 x Plate Foundry module
produces Reinforced Metal Plating

2 x Bulk Tube Stack module
800,000 x #bulk each,

1 x Container Storage module
320,000 x #container each,

1 x Tesla Duo-Charger module
320,000 x #energy each,