Midir (ware)

First designed and released by TerraCorp, this ship is now in production by a number of manufacturers across all sectors, most notably, Albionmetals. It is a ions & plasma mining vessel that has seen many revisions since its initial introduction; its basic parameters, however, remain unchanged. Although capable of launching mining drones, the thrust-to-payload ratio of the Midir is very low, and so is its manoeuvrability. Its weapon systems are not intended for tactical use - as can be expected from a commercial mining vessel.

Ware ID (for devs) shp_l_ions_collector
Ware price 3,355,260 to 5,592,100 credits (range: 2,236,840)
Ware type #ship
Ware Volume 1


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Primary resources Min Max
66 x Bio-Optic Wiring 120,582 140,250
360 x Energy Cells 720 2,880
190 x Food Rations 4,560 6,270
12 x Fusion Reactors 327,720 377,052
22 x Podkletnov Generators 617,650 710,644
60 x Microchips 76,680 90,060
10 x Plasma Flow Regulators 401,900 462,410
36 x Reinforced Metal Plating 162,216 186,660
34 x Scanning Array 364,072 418,846
Total 2,076,100 2,395,072

Cycle time Value
Cycle time 3 mins, 20 seconds,
Batch size 1 units
Products per hour 18.0
Cycles per hour 18.0

Profit per hour Min Avg Max
Primary only 17,283,384 40,291,920 63,288,000