Ossian (ware)

Originally intended as a fast courier ship, the Ossian is mainly used these days as an escort on diplomatic missions of very low priority, or on scouting missions when the success of the task at hand may depend on manoeuvrability and speed. The tactical capabilities of the Ossian are severely limited by its for all intents and purposes nonexistent offensive weaponry. This fighter is sometimes called 'the tin can' or, more poignantly, 'the death trap'; the latter refers to the fact that during the last half decade more pilots have died in this ship alone than in all other similarly sized crafts of all factions put together. Most of those deaths occurred outside of combat.

Ware ID (for devs) shp_s_ship_03
Ware price 356,985 to 482,980 credits (range: 125,995)
Ware type #ship
Ware Volume 440


Used in
  • Not found...

Primary resources Min Max
39 x Energy Cells 78 312
13 x Food Rations 312 429
1 x Fusion Reactors 27,310 31,421
1 x Podkletnov Generators 28,075 32,302
1 x Microchips 1,278 1,501
2 x Reinforced Metal Plating 9,012 10,370
1 x Scanning Array 10,708 12,319
Total 76,773 88,654

Cycle time Value
Cycle time 42 seconds,
Batch size 1 units
Products per hour 85.7
Cycles per hour 85.7

Profit per hour Min Avg Max
Primary only 22,999,800 28,907,957 34,817,743