Nechtan (ware)

Although considerably larger than its sibling and just as agile, the Nechtan does not improve much on tactical capability when compared to the Artio. A saying amongst BA pilots states that, although it looks like a fighter, 'the Nechtan can run, but it can never fight'. This is only partially true, as was proven in the 'Split Blitz' operation following the 'Split Downtime', where three Nechtans alone managed to incapacitate a Carrier (but were, unfortunately, destroyed shortly after this remarkable and unexpected victory).

Ware ID (for devs) shp_s_ship_07
Ware price 886,271 to 1,199,072 credits (range: 312,801)
Ware type #ship
Ware Volume 2040


Used in
  • Not found...

Primary resources Min Max
79 x Energy Cells 158 632
27 x Food Rations 648 891
1 x Fusion Reactors 27,310 31,421
1 x Podkletnov Generators 28,075 32,302
1 x Microchips 1,278 1,501
3 x Reinforced Metal Plating 13,518 15,555
2 x Scanning Array 21,416 24,638
Total 92,403 106,940

Cycle time Value
Cycle time 1 mins,
Batch size 1 units
Products per hour 60.0
Cycles per hour 60.0

Profit per hour Min Avg Max
Primary only 46,759,860 56,578,950 66,400,140