Joined: 19th February, 2012
Blog » X3TC » Way of the Gun - DiD (TC 3.2)
Posted by Kirlack on Thursday 28th February, 2013 ·
I've already posted this over on the egosoft boards, but I thought I'd post it up here as well. Since this is my first blog here I'm hoping there'll be a few people wanting to read it

Way of the Gun
Prelude: Tequila
Ain't nothin' like it ya know? Drinking after a hit I mean. I get paid to erase some dudes and then get to drink till dawn's sweet light spills through the curtains. At least, that's usually how it goes. Today?
Not so much.
I got a call from one o' my contacts in Aladna Hill, a weasely little frakbag named Neol 'Ferret' Jerrigan. He reckons he's got the stones to play with the big boys, but every time I speak with him I swear he's a hair's breadth from pissing himself. So anyway, Ferret sets me up with this job, a clean hit on two Paranid and a Boron, all staying at one of the hotels on the local trading station. Given that I lost a big hand, and all my free credits, betting my flush against Yohandris' full house....well, I was in need. So I took the hit.
The job itself was simple, hack the suite, locate the marks, slice and dice. Job done, I meet up with Neol and he pays me my stash.
Then we got started on the tequila.
There was drinkin', there was dancin', there were semi-naked dudes and a whole lot o' naked girls and yeah, I had a good time. Heh. I had a real good time. Right up until the drugs in the liquor kicked in and I passed out.
Frakkin' Ferret. That rat son of a bitch took back my cred, stole my guns and left me with nothin' but my birthday suit, on a tradin' station suddenly full o' Boron and Paranid, most o' whom wanted my head on a platter. Seems it weren't just any old marks I'd been set on. Oh no. These fellers had friends. On both sides of the law. Seems even my old pirate buddies got me in their sights.
So, what did ol' O'ren Rock, infamous assassin and pirate do to get herself outta this mess?
Kicked ass, chewed bubbelgum and stole a Mamba off some idiot Split who was too busy staring at my curves to notice my fist. Sometimes a woman's just gotta use what she's got you know?
Gamestart: Bankrupt Assassin – Terran Conflict 3.2 (Vanilla)
1.No buying ships, new or second hand. If I can't convince the owner to part with it then I clearly don't deserve it.
2.No bulk trading. I can trade openly with Equipment docks, Military ouposts and corporate Hqs, but not with factories.
3.Combat missions only from the 'civiliized'. Assassinations, convoy hits, station defence, patrols and convoy protections. If I can get the pirates back on side I can take any mission they offer.
4.Hiring mercs only from pirate bases and rehab facilities.
5.Buying stations. I have exactly one contact on the Ceo's Sprite Shipyard who'll be my go-between if I ever need to buy a station. Sadly, I still owe him near 5 million credits, which I'll have to pay him off before I can buy jack. Other than that, buying stations is strictly off limits.
Bad attitude and bubblegum.
0 Cred cos some frakkin' idiot stole it. And when I find him I'm gonna beat that hide till it stops movin'.
Chapter 1
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