Rise to Power Demo

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jacer08 avatar
Level badge Markoguey (10)
Posted 13 years ago.

so, i ran through the demo real quick with a rogue last night, and i'm playing a little bit with a mage right now. i'll go through some of the changes here.

fights - they actually changed this quite a bit. you feel like your participating in battles more activly now. you attack by repeadedly pushing the X button, with your skills on the top 3 buttons, similar to Dragon Age - Origins. i'm a little skeptical that this will get old, and that battles will consist of mostly mashing X, but as this is only the demo, i won't judge too harshly. what does make things exciting though, are the animations. X attacks now have multiple animations depending on the situation, kinda like combos. as you go through a series of 5 hits or so, the character goes through different animations leading up to a higher power attack. some skills that you can get also utilize this combo chain to deliver massive damage at the end of it, if timed right. also(for the rogue), if an enemy is far away, and you push the attack button, the character will do a jumping attack for a little more damage than normal.

skills - the skill system now consists of groups of skills, rather than one long list. also, when you select a group you want to work on, there is a grid like system that you must use to learn new skills. like for the rogue, under the dual weilding group, from the starting point you can select either backstab(character dissapears, and reapears behind enemy, backstabbing) or explosive strike(strong attack, depending on # of chained attacks prior to activation). then from the explosive strike line, you can learn twin fangs, which hits with both weapons, scoring crits. sometimes, the two skill lines will meet up in the middle, to offer a more powerfull skill. so, this is very similar to the list format you saw in DA-O, just a little different, and prettier.

attributes - to my knowledge, this has not changed much. the only difference is in how they display the information about your attributes. i won't get into detail, but i do find it interesting and usefull.

talking - the developers adopted the speech system from Mass Effect, and now the player has a radial menu that you must select a speech option from. there's a graphic in the middle of the radial menu that shows a happy face, a sad face, or a hammer hitting an anvil. sometimes this graphic changes to different pictures, but i believe it generally tells you the effect your dialouge action will have.

that's all i can think to talk about for now, if anyone else has any comments or questions they would like to add feel free. all in all, after this little teaser, i'm now even more excited to play the real game. oh i never mentioned the timeframe of the demo. it took me an hour and a half to play it all the way through, but i was exploring the menues and abilities. if you were to run through it, it's probably possible to beat it in a half hour to 45 min. still a lot of gameplay for a demo though.


in eternity, forever lasts but an instant.

Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 13 years ago.

hmmm.. sounds interesting.

The button mashing sounds like it will get a little old in time. I cant remember what you did the first game now Laugh

I do remmeber getting very confused about the skills - so many, but yet felt they didnt really do much. The skill system also sounds better.

I guess with attributes, there wasnt much wrong with the old system, so they left alone.

Is the talking any faster now? It was painfully slow before.


jacer08 avatar
Level badge Markoguey (10)
Posted 13 years ago.

lol, i'm not sure that they talk any faster or slower than DA-O. i did notice that the conversations in the demo didn't last as long, if that's what you mean. have you tried the demo yet? it's pretty fun. i've run through with all 3 classes now, rouge(easy), mage(i died lol), and warrior(i made it, but it was harder than rouge).

in eternity, forever lasts but an instant.

Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 13 years ago.

I havnt tried it yet - when I get time on the PS3, ive been playing Dead monkey (DLC) for Fallout. I keep meaning to check out the demo: quite a large download wasn't ie? something liek 1.7gb?


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 13 years ago.

Managed to get around to playing the demo tonight.

For me a bit of mixed bag. The graphics have been greatly improved, textures are much more detailed and video sections look brilliant. Many sections of the game are also better.. like you said the skills section seems less confusing.

However for me, A couple of bad points. I played a warrior with a sword+shield and found constantly hitting x all the time, with brief times hitting square or circle. I also thought the monsters had a lot of health ... as my sword was hitting away, but seemed to do little amount of damage... geezz, arent there a lot of darkspawn??

The Ogre took me ages to kill. My whole team all got killed and I had to run back and fourth hacking away slowly. The cool-down on health potions kind-of sucks, forced me to run around avoiding things for ages. It could be somewhat lowered a bit.

Its definitely better than the first, just a shame the fighting is mostly reduced to pressing x.


jacer08 avatar
Level badge Markoguey (10)
Posted 13 years ago.

i agree about most of this, the graphics are better, and mashing x does get kinda boring.

i'm unsure about the skills, i don't know if they are better or worse. to me it just seems different, but not in a bad way. kinda like a change of scenery if you know what i mean.

about the enemy health, i feel that it is correct in proportion to the player level. if you remember, you fight a tough ogre at the begining of DA-O. even in the first game at level 5 with a full party of 4 this ogre can kill you all without a little strategy. if you go through the demo with a rouge, you'll notice that enemies die a lot faster due to increased damage.

the warrior with a sword and shield is not a DPS character, so that's probably why you noticed that your sword didn't do much damage. they are ment to take damage, not deal it. a 2 handed warrior does a little more damage, because he can hit multiple enemies with each swing. also, the 2 handed skillset is baised on doing massive damage, much like some rouge tallents.

mages and rouge's are more DPS characters. i'm not sure if i like how they did mage in the demo, as it is extremely underpowered. without a compliment of spells, your mage's regular attack is about as powerfull as a warrior with sword and shield. once you gain access to the higher level spells, the mage really shines at area level DPS, but this isnt really possible in the demo due to low levels. if you do run through with a mage, you'll notice that although the first mage you play as basically a one man wrecking machine, the level 1 mage is like a squishy pin cussion just waiting for a sword to come run you through.

rouge's can be either utility/dabilitaters, or DPS gods. depending on how you build them, they can do massive damage to single enemies. or you could go the other way and make them more of a support character, with the stun/escape tallents.

as with DA-O it all depends on your party set up. you can go with a DPS rouge, supporting mage, sh/sw fighter and 2H fighter. or a utility rouge, DPS mage, supporting mage, and tank. or you can have a support and DPS rouge, support mage, and ranged rogue. it really just depends on what you want. some parties are better in the beginning of the game, and some others are better end game.

i'll be done with my rant here. you probably already knew all this, but i felt like talking about it lol.

in eternity, forever lasts but an instant.

Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 13 years ago.

Well it did feel like I was using a knife and fork than a sword and shield, but I can understand that at the start of the game you would have to hit away. It just seem to go on for awhile, especially with the amount of dark-spawn around. Id thought a warrior would do more damage than a rogue, warriors normally very strong.

One thing I didnt like when fighting the Ogre, is there are 'invisible' walls. I went to run off, just to hit a invisible wall. I know they need to keep you in the area but I just hate bumping into a invisible wall.

I do find that the micro-management of the team can be confusing... tactics? skills? healing people... etc. So I end up leaving my team to it and get on hitting away. This is probably my own fault, as im used to dealing with myself in RPG games such as Diablo 2, Guild wars etc. Guild wars there might be 11 other players, all human dealing with themselves. AI players always need sorting.

Even in Fallout I normally travel alone - often extra character can hinder by getting themselves killed. Forcing me to re-load the game just cos the AI player decided to run upto something it shouldn't off or causing more aggro than required.

Id like to see online companions in Dragon Age 2. You be a warrior, id be the rogue Smile


jacer08 avatar
Level badge Markoguey (10)
Posted 13 years ago.

lol yes, an online option would be nice.

they could have a system where you can choose to join an open campaign to complete it with a friend. then if someone is trying to join your game, you can substitute out companions, with friends. the only thing that would suck about this is that you would probably end up missing out on parts of the story because you would be jumping between campaigns.

you could make it to where, if you start a campaign with a friend, you can only continue it with both of you present. each player get's one companion that they can controll and set tactics for. but, if you start the campaign by yourself, it's just like a normal game, and must be completed by yourself.

interesting theory, maybe something to submit to biowhare.

in eternity, forever lasts but an instant.

Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 13 years ago.

This happened to me in LBP2 a bit. I would join a party and found myself in a later level. This was a little confusing.

The game could of split into sections. So on-line you would search for player in section of the game. You could choose to join any-one who hasnt gotten as far as you in the game. This would stop you from jumping the story, but allow you to help people.

Like you said above.. you could do these sections off-line, however your party would be made from AI players.

I feel sometimes games forget the on-line element, which can make a game much more fun.


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