So How Exactly Do You Get Into AP?

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BigVern avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 7 years ago.

After playing X3 TC through at least to finish the Hub (by which time I had an industrial empire and fleet to match) then X-Rebirth now a couple of times I thought it time to see what AP has to offer, never actually got round to playing it. Started with the Argon Defender (?) position and find myself in a Nova in the back end of Argon space, surrounded by hostile territory. Played through the absurdly simple tutorial then it's off to fight the Terrans, except they have Vidars and cap ships which chew me up in seconds. The thought of navigating through multiple sectors to the core Argon area, then grinding small cargo runs - even assuming the spacefuel run in Herrons still available - filled me with no excitement or anticipation at all.

In fact I've started to wonder why Ego released AP at all. The guide/walkthrough on here indicates there's not half the scripted mission challenges of TC and, while we know Rebirth had its flaws, the story kind of drove it along. They've borked the Universe, after making nice with the Terrans in X3 and TC, now we're at war, killing fellow humans. Oh well I guess War, War Never Changes (oops, wrong game...). And starting from scratch when I was King Of The Universe just really doesn't appeal.

Is there anything special or unusual about AP to make it worth going through the grind again?


Sinxar avatar
Level badge Cruguey (18)
Posted 7 years ago.

If you don't want to play it from scratch you can always just spawn in what you want.

But no, it is just a slightly fixed game engine with a fair number of quality of life enhancements. For example Hept Corp. This alone was enough for me to be unable to go back to TC. No way I could stomach placing 100s of stations manually again. Playing on a large monitor makes the resized menus a huge improvement over TC as well.

Don't forget about the stock market. It is there specifically for people like you who don't want to go through the grind again. Making money in AP is one of the easiest things IMO. From the start, even if you don't want to use the stock exchange there are expensive missiles just sitting around for you to collect in war sectors.

Anything special about it? Really only the huge number of new ships and the war. It is great for folks who like combat focused games. If you are a hardcore trader, you get the xenon hub and phq quite early in AP. Oh yeah and no more Kha'ak.


Sparks avatar
Level badge Fightguey (6)
Posted 7 years ago.

Downsides with AP for me were the loss of the Kha'ak and a generally very safe place to live. I preferred the fear-factor of Kha'ak in X2 (back when the player could shove 3-times as many weapons on the front of fighters) and the sense that hostiles wouldn't get nuked by Rapid Response Fleets. On the other hand, all the improvements meant that I didn't go back to TC either.

For example Hept Corp. This alone was enough for me to be unable to go back to TC. No way I could stomach placing 100s of stations manually again. Playing on a large monitor makes the resized menus a huge improvement over TC as well.

- Sinxar

All of the X3:AP bonus pack tools, like Hephaistos Corp, are available for TC. Many have also been updated over the years by their authors (link for details in case the info isn't available on this site).


ParanoidMike avatar
Level badge Tropguey (5)
Posted 7 years ago.

For me the plots are very weak anyway so I play these games for mostly the sandbox. And that's where AP really shines compared to TC. There are more ships, tweaks to existing ships, better/larger menus, slightly better graphics and just a lot of small things that make it better.

I can understand you don't want to go through the grind again. However, having both TC and AP endgame saves I prefer the latter. Because midgame and endgame is where the improvements over TC are most visible.


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