OOS Defence

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Level badge Fightguey (6)
Posted 12 years ago.

I'm not really clear on the X3AP changes to OOS combat, other than the fact it's very different to X3TC.

So I wondered what people used now? In the past it was fairly simple to pick one type of each ship that had the highest max lasers & shields and that was that. Now though... do you mix it up with multiple varieties of each ship class? Are M5s worth including (I rarely - if ever - bothered with them in TC)? Etc, etc.


Rassyu avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 12 years ago.

well im not far in the game but so far M5's did help me alot with M8's,there cheap less than 200k fully fitted and upgraded(i use the jaguar raider 594 M/S and 4 IRE just 1k sheilds but they rarely get hit)they provide a good distraction for you to close in with an M3 or bigger,other than that there still preatty good just as long as they stay away from M3's if they go in face to face they preatty much get killed if they have HEPT or PBG.having a good mass of em is cool to see.

its really up to you i find they do have there use.


Anticitizen1 avatar
Level badge Tropguey (5)
Posted 12 years ago.

Surprisingly I haven't had to do any OOS defense so far.

On another forum (I forgot where) it was written that the optimal ship for OOS combat is an M7 or an M2 outfitted with a mix of fast firing antifighter lasers and slow firing anti capital lasers. Ammunition based weapons are to be avoided. So if you wanted to protect a high value installation in a sector frequented by Xenon or Pirates and you were expecting opposition with M2 or M7 you would use something like a Megalodon with 28 PPC's and 24 FAA's, that would set you back upwards of 160 million though.


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 12 years ago.

Well I havnt tried OOS too much - from past games ive learnt not to relies on it too much (it can come up with some interesting results).


Triscopic avatar
Level badge Fightguey (6)
Posted 12 years ago.

Some interesting food for thought.

For the time being I've reverted to my old pattern of using a mix of the OTAS ships which always seem superior to me. I'll add some M5s to that mix though.

I don't need to do too much OOS combat I must admit. Sometimes I'll leave the game running for an hour while I go do other things, and sometimes I find a pirate's come through, unravelled one of my complexes and destroyed one factory. It's just annoying to have to watch that tube animation over and over and over...

Eventually my weedplex will passively raise my pirate rep enough to make rogue pirate attacks rarer, but by then I expect Xenon activity will have increased as my combat rep is creeping up slowly.


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