Been Busy today

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suzukigsxr avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 12 years ago.

Well been busy today as title states went into the xenon sector next to segaris and what was in there but an Xenon I 2 J's 3 K's and L's & M's.

I decided to wipe them all out except my friend Alien Dance 2

i bated the bugger out of the way just in case any one else decided to pop into sector and boy as martimus stated it threw missles galore i did not have missles to cap just my rear turrets on my cobra thank god he kept throwing firestorms at me and then while boarding kept throwing hornets at me and boy he wanted me dead for sure as after i had capped him i SAVED !! but turned around ready to move over e-cells and jumpdrive i saw alot of missles coming my way i ignored them first go FOOL!!!!!! died

I reloaded sat with my butt facing missles till they all disappeared. turned around and went to look at my new ship SWEEEEEETTTTT!!!

with 26 Point Singularity Projectors after a few reloads took 28 marines came back with 22.

the 6 that died RIP they were worth it !!

Hopefully attached is my newly aquired toy



Rassyu avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 12 years ago.

nice grats on the I


martimus avatar
Level badge Boneguey (9)
Posted 12 years ago.

Congrats! Very nice haul with the PSPs as well. Enough to fill it out if you want to go that route (I would save those for a Kyoto and use PPCs on the I.)

Remember it is paper thin, so you can keep the thin side toward the enemy and strafe up and down to avoid nearly all weapons fire. I have a 12 Firestorm factory plex providing missiles, and keep 160 on both of my I's along with 200 Hornets and 200 misquitoes. I still run out if all missiles nearly everytime I take it out.


suzukigsxr avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 12 years ago.

Thanks Guys

It was a nice cap

now... if i do what you did martimus and cap another can i also go rampaging through from xenon sector 472 to xenon sector 597 hopefully Big Grin


martimus avatar
Level badge Boneguey (9)
Posted 12 years ago.

You should be able to. Although you will need lots of missiles.


suzukigsxr avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 12 years ago.

Tell me about it I used alot of missiles clearing Xenon Sector capping me xenon I

I have a self contained 10 flail fab.

looks like like a need to build a firestorm and Hammer Fab.

if i want to build 10 firestorm factories and 10 hammer together in 1 big Fab

where would be best ? (Which Sector). i am ok with argons (at the moment),boron,split,teladi & Paranid.

thanks in advance


martimus avatar
Level badge Boneguey (9)
Posted 12 years ago.

These are my main two missile plexes:,Boron,XL,1,166;spp,Boron,L,1,166;bfcl,Boron,L,9;bgf,Boron,L,9;xtlf,Boron,L,4;xtlf,Boron,M,1;fmpf,Boron,S,12;htff,Boron,S,10;om,Teladi,L,1,40;om,Teladi,L,1,37;om,Teladi,L,1,36;sim,Teladi,L,1,44;sim,Teladi,L,1,35;sim,Teladi,L,1,33&sector=448,Boron,XL,1,166;bfcl,Boron,L,3;bgf,Boron,L,3;xtlf,Boron,L,3;ftf,Argon,S,12;om,Teladi,L,1,37;om,Teladi,L,1,30;sim,Teladi,L,1,40;sim,Teladi,L,1,36;cr,Argon,L,2;cr,Argon,M,1;cb,Argon,L,2;cb,Argon,M,1&sector=427

I also have 3 other missile complexes that make a total of 19 hammer factories, 20 flail factories, 12 firestorm factories, and 2 hornet factories.


suzukigsxr avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 12 years ago.


What is the benefit of mixing differnt races factories ?????

boron solar,teladi ore & silicon etc ??

just interested thats all



martimus avatar
Level badge Boneguey (9)
Posted 12 years ago.

Boron Solar Power plants are the cheapest, along with their Crystal Fabs and food production. Teladi have the cheapest Mines.

Terrans might be cheaper in some of these, but I can't use Terran factories, so I don't worry about their costs.

EDIT: One strange thing happened today while boarding. I got 11 Boron Marines after taking an Osaka from the Terrans. Boron Marines are rare enough anyway, but why would they be on a Terran ship?

I did manage to take an Osaka, Odin, and Tokyo during the op. I had to blow up the second Odin, and a second Osaka, because both had Hull Polarization and I couldn't get in. Only the Tokyo had anything worth keeping, with 8 PSP's and 20 Wraiths. I kept the Odin, since I didn't have one, and sold the rest.


suzukigsxr avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 12 years ago.

I am so surprised you worry about money Big grin

i'm glad but boy do you do some capping i might have to consider making a closed terran FAB for missiles.

cause at the moment i have needs in terran space but........ if i make a closed fab i can say goodbye to terran.


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 12 years ago.

I noticed that too - no idea why some power plants are cheaper than others - as they do exactly the same thing.

As for the marines - they must of surrendered, so you got some more marines.


suzukigsxr avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 12 years ago.

sitting with 40 marines at anytime fully trained 5 stars in everything so can cap when i want

the ones that bailed were mine i know them all by name Big Grin (first name terms with them all).

nice bunch.

also have approx 150 marines constantly being trained.


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 12 years ago.

All 5 star? wow, that must of took ages - marine training is very slow!


Kirlack avatar
Level badge Specoguey (14)
Posted 12 years ago.

Once you've got 30-50 marines you can board pretty much everything in sight until you've got an elite ninja boarding squad. By the time they've gotten maxed training to match their fight skill your reserve crew have also maxed fighting. From there in you don't even notice that there's 100+ in training because you've always got a team ready.

Yeah...I do a lot of boarding Big grin

Madder than a Bastard on fathers day.
My DiDs: Peace(s) of Eight - Way of the Gun - Status: Online, A Xenon DiD

martimus avatar
Level badge Boneguey (9)
Posted 12 years ago.

Once you've got 30-50 marines you can board pretty much everything in sight until you've got an elite ninja boarding squad. By the time they've gotten maxed training to match their fight skill your reserve crew have also maxed fighting. From there in you don't even notice that there's 100+ in training because you've always got a team ready.

Yeah...I do a lot of boarding Big grin
- Kirlack

Pretty much. I kept a TP at each marine training facility and buy every Marine that had at least 30 in fighting in the beginning. I would then train each of them to 5 stars in all other areas. Once my main marines reached 100 fighting, I swapoed them out with the group that was training and trained the new group to 100 fighting while I trained the fighters in the other skills.

Once you get to that point, you pretty much have an endless supply of trained marines when you lose a few. I have at least 80 5-star marines right now, and another 120 or so training.


suzukigsxr avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 12 years ago.

Martimus strange you do the same as me.

i keep as well hermes at each military outpost.

eject rubbish marines and refresh for decent ones.

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