Planetary Anihhlation: Early Access

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RickyDeanHoward avatar
Level badge Fightguey (6)
Posted 10 years ago.

Just wondering what you guys think of Planetary Annihilation

When I have added you all on steam you will see I am quite a fan of Strategy games Smile I've just been so burnt by early access games lately because there are so many that look amazing on paper but when it comes down to it's execution, they are disappointing. I understand the concept of Early access but 1 update every 3-4 months isn't very good for an early access game. For Example, I played "Minecraft" in alpha and it has receieved frequent updates since, and "Kerbal Space Program" I joined in beta that that also receives frequent updates. Latest I bought is "starforge Alpha", which looks great in theory but the updates are quite stretched out. I also bought "Miner Wars 2081" a space/mining sim that is a serious disappointment! Sandbox my arse!!! lol

[roguey] changed address to link.


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 10 years ago.

Looks like an interesting game, sort-of like C&C mixed with a space-game? or am I way off?

However I am not a big fan of this early release thing. As you said, the updates could be far and few between, with large sections of the game missing. I guess its a way of getting people to pay to test the game. Myself, if im paying for game, I would want it to be finished.

ps. It also seems quite a step price?


Sinxar avatar
Level badge Cruguey (18)
Posted 10 years ago.

Well you do get it finished... just not at the moment lol!

But yea I understand that too. There are only a few games that I would buy in the early access state and KSP is the main one I want. It is too bad about Starforge Alpha as I thought it looked pretty cool. I expected it to be developed a bit quicker. The best way to get a feel for how often it updates is to visit the games website or devblog and forums. The general activity in those places says a lot about the state of the game and how much support it has.

I thought it was a very high price as well. If i'm not mistaken I think it was actually more, something like $90 USD. I remember seeing it a while back and couldn't understand why it was so expensive. That could have been a pricing error though, it happens a lot more than you think (ever looked at the games on sale and see a game with a pricetag of over $5000 USD?). It looks a lot like Supreme Commander to me. I like the art style of it.


Sinxar avatar
Level badge Cruguey (18)
Posted 10 years ago.

Planetary Annihilation is on sale at the Humble Store for half price (24.99 USD).

Now would be a good time to get it if you want it.


NetHawk avatar
Level badge Eagleguey (11)
Posted 9 years ago.

I was gonna ask if anybody here plays it, but saw this thread, I just bought it in the sale, and for 22,93, I think it's a fair deal. Let me share what I know about Planetary Annihilation (PA from here on):

It's developed by the folks that made Supreme Commander, they split from the original company cause they weren't happy with SC2 and formed the kickstarter for PA. If you liked the original SC, you will love this game Smile

As for a comparison to C&C, it is very different (I just recently played C&C Tiberium Wars), C&C is more tactical, while this is more of a strategy game. The first difference you will notice is how far out the camera zooms, you get to see the whole solar system at once if you want, the second thing I've noticed is how much more important the composition of your army is. In C&C you take a handful of some kind of units to deal with a particular problem, while in PA (or SC) the important part becomes having an army that's "just right" mixed to deal with the situations at hand. It's just a completely different scale, but also depth as there are more units to choose from (also each units role is unique, e.g. not much overlaping in them), and subsequently more tactics to choose from.

It's an early access game, so it's not polished yet (minor UI bugs, not always stable, there is still of balancing being done etc.), but the core gameplay is there and it's working nicelly (e.g. all units working, map generation working, AI works too (Singleplayer campaign or Multiplayer), Multiplayer is in action etc. (Even Colliding Asteroids/planetoids into planets is working Big grin )
Updates seem to be regular with at least one monthly, and stability is not really an issue (Just make sure to run the 64bit version if you have it, as steam by default runs the 32bit version, which doesn't work correctly for me)/

I'd recommend it to anyone who enjoyed Supreme Commander (I liked the second better, but nonetheless) and wants a really deep and engaging strategy game. The scale is unparalleled as far as I know, and the player and unit count too (from the Planned Features section on steam: "Up to 40-person battles with hundreds to thousands of units." ). I've been playing RTS's for a long time now, and as far as I see this is the most serious attempt at a next-gen game, also smashing a planetoid into your opponents base is just hilarious ;D

If you liked SC/SC2 then you'll love this. Enough salesman through, anybody up for a game of PA, add me on steam: hawk416404

Burn rubber, not your soul!

Orbot avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 9 years ago.

FYI it is -80% at the moment.


Sinxar avatar
Level badge Cruguey (18)
Posted 9 years ago.

This game is on sale in the Humble Store for $9.99 USD


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 9 years ago.

Metacritic seems to be bashing the game quite a bit?


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