Explosion demo and planetary landing

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Orbot avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 8 years ago.

Video about explosions

I really recommend to watch the whole interview. He gives some information how hull piercing is going to work etc.
Around the Verse: Episode 2.02

Planetary landing


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 8 years ago.

Looking very impressive, thanks for posting.

I do like how the explosion could be used to make the ship abandon, rather than just to a means of removing it from the universe. ie. in the x-games, the explosion was just a way to remove the ship from your game - like most games. Its nice to see all the attention to detail gone into it too.

the planet landing look good too, but did you notice it slow down some-what? that makes me some-what nervous, as they would be using some very powerful hardware. I guess Elite will beat them to it, as Frontier is planning on releasing planet landing soon.

When is Star-citizen due? 2016? or later?


Orbot avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 8 years ago.

Hmmh, they were not very specific but according to interview it sounds like it could be possible that the explosion is not destroying the ship fully for sure so I guess players could board there and capture it. Hopefully that would be possible.

Yes, it was a bit slow at some point but it worth to keep in mind that it is still very much unoptimized. They are still in early Alpha stage. Alpha 2.0 will be released by end if this year. Here is how the Alpha 2.0 will be:

The flight model are still under work. If everything goes fine we are going to here some updates about it this week. Animations and character models, etc. are not finished either so there are many place holders in the gameplay videos. The demo has only two different flight speeds but the final version will have four. So there are still lots of things that are lacking but the game looks relatively good already.

The final version of single player campaign "Squadron 42" should be ready in 2016.

I hope the upcoming Elite: Dangerous extensions will be great although I'm not totally sure how the planetary landing will be on Elite: Dangerous. If I understood right there will be 4 different stone "moons" as they have shown in the video.

Egosoft is working on a new extension/DLC for X Rebirth and next X game.

It is good to see the space sim genre is going doing well these days.


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 8 years ago.

thanks for posting the video, its interesting to see what's been happening to SC. When watching the video, I cant help think that Elite and SC have borrowed a few ideas from each other, and that Elite may be heading in a similar direction. I think they will be adding crew, which obliviously SC has from the start.

One thing I didnt like with SC, was that the ship hud still looks rather complex and messy (I didnt see even where the shields were) and the fighting looked like you were just firing into space.

As for landing on a Elite, I thought you could just land on any planet/moon (like the original games).


Orbot avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 8 years ago.

Yes, Star Citizen has possibility have crews (many if you own many ships). You can make a contract with other players or AI NPCs. So if you own multiple ships you are able to hire crew to fly your other ships to do some tasks/missions for you - of course that is risky ... Smile. Crew members has different skills to do different things. So it is lots of like in X Rebirth.

I'm sure space sims takes influences from each others; Elite, I-War, X-series, Star Citizen, Wing Commander, and many many others. That's a great thing! I personally would like to see Star Citizen, Elite, X-series, and others going a bit different directions. There are plenty of room for different kind of space games.

It is possible that Star Citizen HUDs will stay quite complex because the ships are complex. Player is able to add/remove modules on some ships which makes them even more complex. But let's see how they are going to be. I guess the HUDs will be different depending who is the manufacturer of the ship, etc.

BSVC Flight School: Introduction to the HUD and Combat Visor Interface

I would prefer versatile and complex flying model and ship controlling so a player would have to study and learn to know and master the ship. PC had that kind of games earlier like Falcon 3.0, Shuttle, etc. It would be great to have to kind of modern space simulation game. I wouldn't mind if the game would require HOTAS + keyboard to really master the ship.

What comes to planetary landing I think the most important thing is that there are something meaningful to do. I hope this is not going to be a new Skyrim-effect. Since Skyrim huge open world became the thing. Unfortunately Bethesda filled the world with simple random generated missions that had zero influence to anything and were repetitive as h*ll - the world was big but very shallow. The Witcher 3 is a huge step forward and I hope it set a new minimum level to big budget cRPG games.

So even if the space games will have gazillion planets to land it gets very boring fast if there is no depth at all. I hope that's not going to happen. I think it is better to have 20 planets to land if they actually feel something than have gazillion boring and meaningless ones.


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 8 years ago.

well I do need to look into star-citizen again, I think the deathmatch didnt overly excited me. So I didnt really carry on with it. There wasnt much else to do other than arena-commander. I understand development takes a long time.

as for the interface, again I understand that having a complex system is good in some ways. However it does feel more complex than it needs to be (seeing a whole keyboard worth of binds was scary). One thing I like with Elite's interface, it does the job without going over-the-top.

I do agree about planet landing - there needs to be things to do. I remember in the older elites you used to get missions to photograph / destroy military bases on the surface. I guess this could be re-added. I wonder if Frontier are planning to add stations on the surface too.

But, at any rate its looking like both Elite and SC are some-what merging into each others territory.


Orbot avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 8 years ago.

At the moment there are only Arena Commander, Hangar Module and Social Module. Arena Commander area is small and many players has not been satisfied the flight model and that's why they are so eager to hear news about updated version of it.

'Baby PU' (Baby Persistent Universe) / Alpha 2.0 is going to be much bigger area and lots of more things to do. It is a great test bench for final game.

The complexity issue is hard to solve. I still think the games should be more complex to make them much more interesting and give them longer lifespan. Of course complexity would scare new players away easily. Most of the AAA-games are so simple that there is nothing to learn. Just sit down and finish the game in 20 hours and move to next game.

In ships HUDs changes depending on the ship, where you sit in the ship, manufacturer, etc. And not only in ship but there are different HUDs while player on foot as well. Again depending on armor, manufacturer, etc. the look and feel is different.
In SC player sees what the character sees. It is not "a floating camera" as it is in most of the games. The HUD is on the helmet. If the helmet is broken or you don't wear it you don't see the HUD (or hear sounds in space since the sound chip is part of helmet as well).

FPS Reveal - PAX Australia 2014 Live Stream

Inside Cloud Imperium Games: Developing the HUD

I'm sure Frontier Developments will make planetary landing a great addition to the game. I guess they still have to keep in mind that it doesn't give too much benefit for extension owners so the game doesn't turn into Pay to Win.

Yeah, it looks like the games will have lots of similarities. There are many similarities with SC and X Rebirth at the moment too and it will be interesting to see how all these games will end up to be. Of course for example Egosoft has to concentrate in some specific aspects because the company is tiny compared to big boys; Frontier Developments, CIG, etc. and the budget is way smaller.
It is going to be amazing 2016/2017 for space games. I hope that at least the emphasis with all of the games will be different so they wouldn't compete heavily from the same players.


Orbot avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 8 years ago.

In ships HUDs changes depending on the ship, where you sit in the ship, manufacturer, etc. And not only in ship but there are different HUDs while player on foot as well.
- edqe

They are now working on larger ship HUDs.


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