New player asking for wisdom

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sipos avatar
Level badge Rookiguey (4)
Posted 2 months ago.

Hello citizens o7,

I started to play a couple of weeks ago and got absolutely amazed by the depth and beauty of this game and I’m totally new to the genre, I will try to be short and got the point but that will be difficult.

I started doing bunkers and delivery missions like the most of new players find themselves when doing the first steps into the Stanton System. When I started to feel that something was going not right or I was not experiencing the true potential of this game I tried to change game loop and started some basic trading which lead me to the purchase of my first ship, a vulture, which lead me (also thanks to a incredibly lucky day when I find jumptown to be empty and I drained all the boxes I could that night) to the purchase of my first real cargo ship the C2 Hercules, now I’m doing pretty decent amount of money with trading and I’m wondering which will be the next step, I would like to get into pvp and combat ships but I feel like it’s really difficult, a lot difficult compared to most of other game fields, to try to find a scheme or a way to figure out to do when looking for the best combat ship or what I should do to get into pvp or something else.

So basically my question is. What do you do in the game? How you approached pvp and combat for the first time? What will be your next move after trading and salvage? And most importantly what do you think it’s the most enjoyable part of the game that could be advertised to new players?

Thanks to all for the answer and see you all in the verse!


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