What a great event and community!

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Level badge Rookiguey (4)
Posted 1 month ago.

I'm usually playing SC alone, doing mining or some bounties to wind down in the evening. And I'm not at all interested in the F7A.

But the new XenoThreat event chain intrigued me. Simply having multiple missions That belong together, leading up to something bigger, is something I have been missing in SC for a while. Just a bit of story to tie some of the existing missions together. And so I couldn't let this event chain slip past me, even if the reward really doesn't interest me that much.

And I had a blast! After not finding any players on the server I was on (I did the events this weekend, so most random players had already completed the first phases), I went on this subs discord to find a group, and that worked out great. I found some people to do the missions within less than 5 minutes and made some great memories: from flying in a Carrack between Bunkers, getting myself patched up in the Medbay during Quantum to shredding Hammerheads in the turret of a Redeemer. And just chatting about Star Citizen in the meantime.
omegle xender
I'm glad this event finally gave me a good enough reason to try out some group content and it was awesome. Thanks to all of you for being such a nice community!


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