So... it's *not* a subscription based MMORPG?

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Triscopic avatar
Level badge Fightguey (6)
Posted 11 years ago.

I'm not sure why, but I don't feel the lure of Star Citizen like other people seem to. I think it's probably because when I first saw the funding campaign several months ago, I looked at that first support tier and read "2 months ship insurance" which immediately made me think "subscription based MMORPG" and I stopped reading, closed the tab and moved on.

Re-examining the site now it looks like I was wrong.

I love the X series precisely because they are single player - I can pause it whenever the Mrs or Baby needs attention, I don't have to schedule raid times and fit my family around them, and I don't have to explain to said Mrs why I spend more than the cost of our internet on a game subscription every month.

So did I get it totally wrong? Is Star Citizen going to be completely playable off-line? With all the story and features? I've read the FAQ and I understand there will be no subscription, but honestly it sounds like the offline mode is an afterthought.


ThornandSpec avatar
Level badge Instruguey (13)
Posted 11 years ago.

From what I understand It can be played both online and offline, the way i understand it, you can drop in drop out at will. If you've played Dark Souls by any chance I think the online is very similar. As for the ship insurance... You know how ships in X3 are gone once they are destroyed? The same is in SC, you buy a new ship if your current one dies, but ship insurance acts as car insurance does in real life, replacing your loss. Btw, I too feel a lack of excitement for SC even though I've been waiting for a game just like it for as long as I can remember Sad

I'll leave a better description to someone more knowledgeable though :p

If my mission goal was pissing off the entire ATF fleet, then consider it a success!

Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 11 years ago.

Star citizen will have 3 modes:

    [*]Offline mode (what most x-players are used),
    [*]Online on the official servers,
    [*]Online with non-official servers (that have modified game-play,

SC does not/will not have a subscription. Buy once (or donate) and you get a copy. After that just play it as much or little as you want.

It seems ship insurance is confusing people - making them think its a subscription based game. Ship insurance is something to save your ship encase it gets blown up. Ship insurance can be brought in-game, with in-game money. However if you get blown up without insurance, you will lose your ship, but be able to buy another. If you run out of money, then your have to tag along with someone else until you make enough credits to buy another ship - based you cheaped out on insurance. The 3/4 month ship insurance is just a bonus for those who donated, so you can get used to the game.

However the will interesting part of SC is the online part - play with other people. We going to be flying around with other players, meeting people. In SC they gone a bit further with the online, allowing us to form a guild. So basically we can make one, and have 10 of us walking around in each other ships, or flying together in a wing. Working together.


Triscopic avatar
Level badge Fightguey (6)
Posted 11 years ago.

It sounded to me when I re-read the site and FAQ yesterday like the single player stuff is limited to some campaign missions, rather than the fully featured sandbox of the main game: "you sign up for a tour of duty with the UEE fleet".

I guess what it boils down to is this: if I can play SC (I keep seeing that and reading Starcraft!) offline fully, i.e. build an entire empire all offline, then maybe I will pre-buy this game. I'm not against the idea of online play, but my "family commitments" don't understand a game that can't be paused. Hell, it's taken 4 years of marriage to explain what "cut-scenes" are and why I might need 2 minutes before I can talk... Wink


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 11 years ago.

I guess its how its been worded, I did feel like that a bit when I first read about it. However there isnt any subscriptions to pay, and you can play offline too


Mauzi avatar
Level badge Skillguey (7)
Posted 10 years ago.

I'd like to add that running your own server can be done single player or multiplayer, allowing you to have your very own universe just like X (after the real single player game portion) and/or invite friends into your personal universe as you desire.

Especially this feature I consider freaking cool, since it allows you to join a friend in his game to look around and see how his universe looks. Ain't that something we always would have wanted in the X games ? Smile


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 10 years ago.

I'd like to add that running your own server can be done single player or multiplayer, allowing you to have your very own universe just like X

Yea, which may allow a more emptier universe - if the official servers gets a bit filled with people.


Mauzi avatar
Level badge Skillguey (7)
Posted 10 years ago.

Yea, which may allow a more emptier universe - if the official servers gets a bit filled with people.
- Roguey

They actually said that for a private server you can choose who may enter it, e.g. solo, friends only, anyone, or even an integration into the actual MMO as part of it. Their concepts sounded rather intriguing, though especially for the latter I am not quite sure how they want to get that working.

So, if you go for solo or friends-only, it is totally unrelated to the official servers. Not sure how much space you actually have then though, but we surely will find out soon enough !


RandomTank avatar
Level badge Assoguey (17)
Posted 10 years ago.

Ooo that sounds good, it sounds like it works similar to Minecraft servers yes? That'd be good, I love how simple it is to set up and play on a MC server, looking forward to that!

I will be the one to take you down!

redheart avatar
Level badge Eagleguey (11)
Posted 10 years ago.

While you all have said that it will not be a subscription based game, why is there a tab on the main site labeled "Subscription"? I am wondering if they do go with a F2P base but also offer subscriptions like SWTOR is doing. If you subscribe, you get more options and other things that the F2P do not.

So I believe this is what its going to be like. Note here You see that they have two different subscriptions, one is a plan and the other is a pass. As of today, there is no difference in the two types. 10.00 a month isnt a lot and I can see that this would bring in some needed monthly income from those dedicated to the game.

There is also this plan as well. At 20.00 per month you can see that there is also plans and passes for this type. At this time there is nothing showing up different from the Centurion pledges.


Mauzi avatar
Level badge Skillguey (7)
Posted 10 years ago.

The above is correct, the seem to want to be running sort of a mixed payment system. We don't have any details yet, but I like the idea to have a choice and pay as you see fit for your gaming time and gaming style, e.g. people with lots of time to play surely will go for subscription, while the occasional player will go the F2P route.

Good thinking on their side !


Adjoint avatar
Level badge Fightguey (6)
Posted 9 years ago.

So , any news about it after 1 year ?
I am talking about game modes and payments.


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 9 years ago.

I dont think much as changed to be honest. The best place to check for news and infomation is their youtube channel, as they post a lot of videos there. Maybe a bit too much.

I dont think anything changed with the payments system. It should be free online after you got yourself a copy of the game.


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