Federal Gunship for PvE yes or no?

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ssarleni avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 8 years ago.

I am within a few hours playing time doing missions, hopefully, from being able to purchase a Fedral Gunship. I haved done a lot of reading lately and can find no consensus on it, the main opinion seems to be that once upon a time during beta and meta as far as PvP'ers were concerned it was a paper plane, fine on paper but a flying brick in reality, or you had fanatical support for its main attributes and all saying wait till 1.4 and that seems where the argument/discussion/debate/rabid hostility stops.

As a new player, has this mythical 1.4 been and gone, or, still waiting in the wings for those people to point fingers and say, Told YA!! Plus a Pvp player has a much different needs to a PvE player like me and who as rule are much less vociferous and think Pvp are a bunch of people with no real life, probably not true, but they tend to take things way to seriously.

A long way around to ask the Question Yes or No? I have an Assualt ship and an Asp, but feel the Asp is now running into ships more often I have to run from, clippers, orca and pythons, the Assault seemed lacking in cargo space and was losing missions for the lack of cargo.

I intend to beam turret the big hardpoint and multicannon gimbal the rest.

Any opinions gratefully accepted as to my sanity, loadout etc. welcome.


Sinxar avatar
Level badge Cruguey (18)
Posted 8 years ago.


It appears to be a bad ship. It is much slower than an Asp Explorer and only slightly more shields not taking into account any shield boosters you can fit. It also seem to have extremely low agility on top of it all not to mention the 100 mil price point for a basic fit.

So personally I would avoid it. Why are you running from orcas and pythons in your asp? I can understand clippers, they are crazy agile for their size.


ssarleni avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 8 years ago.

Twice I have fought each of them, the 2 times I took on a clipper he killed me in short order I was not even sble to out run them in the end, so I just start running as soon as I realise what it is now. Whether from inexperience or just unlucky in they had better equipment than me, the few times I tried the others, I have been lucky to get away with a sparking cockpit and its a wonder the computer was not shouting GTFOH. I like the Asp and its mostly A specced now with 3 OA shield boosters, pulse gimballs with multicannon gimbals, but the extra cargo I can get into a Gunship would open between 15-20% more missions that just the extra cargo space lets me take.

I got confused with the discussions, on one hand some say Shields gone you die, the other hull tanking is possible, so the Gunship has a massive hull, so one group says weak Shields, cannon fodder, other its got a hull shields are not as important unless you run into a railgun. It all seemed to Hinge on either the mythical 1.4 update or as/when it can carry a wing inside. I personally dislike running from anything but thats the way it is.


Sinxar avatar
Level badge Cruguey (18)
Posted 8 years ago.

I never tried the gunship but you may have to fit turrets on it to hit anything if the agility is really that low. I have tried the dropship though and didn't like it at all. It was just too sluggish to do anything useful with IMO, and the gunship is even less agile than that so it must be like flying a type 7 with more firepower.


ssarleni avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 8 years ago.

The Assault ship is nice, shame the Gunship couldn't be that with more cargo space, I would definitely buy it then, one more hard point and another 6 slot for cargo would have been superb.


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