[Horizon] Major updates tracking

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Level badge Fightguey (6)
Posted 7 years ago.

I decided to create this thread compiling all further major updates as I saw a thread concerning only the 2.2 updates.

So yesterday, FD announced the beta of 2.3 (if you can get the beta opening day or else tell me I'll update this !)
You can have the preview of the features of the next beta along the part 1 of the lives introducing the main features :

If you don't have time to watch the full video, here is a recap' :
03"52 : Stream start
08"41 : Commander Creator - currently named "Holo-me" - see below for more information
30"58 : CC - Preset of ED Lewis (main streamer of the lives ; only available for the stream build)
38"44 : CC - Suits - Some suits patterns may be only accessible through FD store ?
41"30 : Debug camera becomes "Camera Control" - see below for more information
53"48 : New passenger ship : THE DOLPHIN
56"15 : New ship size category : MEGA-SHIP
58"03 : Mega-Ship "Fisher's Rest" - see below for more information (correct me if I misheard, maybe a tribute to Carrie Fisher)

- Available at any time, next to the engineer option in the right menu
- Presets are procedural, not created by a 3D artist but generated from their studies
- Head-Type allows to choose between skull build (Smooth/Rough/Heavy/...) and aging head (Veteran)
- There is still an age slider aside the Veteran head-type
- Possibility to mix eyes ; "Cyborg" eyes available
- You can edit precisely mouth/eyes/nose/ears(/more ?) by hand or randomize them individually
- Hairs are more or less shorts to fit the helmet
- Works only to custom the head or suit colors/shoulders - no body-type (for the moment ?)
- Helmet can be on for emergencies only (current state) or be set as always on
- Cosmetics like tattoos/makeup/... are planned but apparently not in the build

Camera Control
- Maneuverability possible while using it
- The debug camera will be now the free camera in Camera Control, but there is more modes than the old debug camera like indoors camera, where you'll be able to see more space of the cockpit and pinpointed places surrounding your ship
- Free camera can be locked to ship or world
- Depth Of Field can be enabled for amazing screenshots :3

- Not flyable
- Docking capacities (not all of them)
- Carrier possibility
- The presented one looks like an Ocellus, they are surely smaller, we don't have a size reference except for it's category name MEGA-SHIP

Other planned features
As you are all aware the 2.3 doesn't bring us only the "Holo-me" but also the Crew management.
For the moment they didn't talk about it except in : https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php/326211-2-3-Dev-Update
Your friends Commanders will be able to join your ship to assist you either on exploring or during combat.
During combat it is planned that the commanders who aren't the Helm would be able to pilot fighters or help you fire using only the weapons that you have equipped as turrets.

Feel free to add anything I missed, I'll update this message to bring to main key-words in this huge message Big Grin
Next live is Thursday if I'm right.

Thread irrelevant as Roguey posted a news yesterday and I missed it, sorry for the inconvenience ... Cry


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