Engineering recommended pathways

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mukhalani avatar
Level badge Rookiguey (4)
Posted 10 months ago.

I can appreciate that for many the answer here will be “it depends…”. what I’m after and can’t seem to find (maybe because it depends..) is a recommended pathway through engineering module priorities.

I appreciate all the great content I’ve read here and on YouTube to understand efficient ways to unlock ALL the engineers and how to easily farm the materials. This has been helpful .

But does anyone know of a guide that breaks down the priority/order of module engineering (and which flavor/experimental effects) for each role ?

Something like “if you’re into mining then first go all the way to G5 FSD Long Range with Mass Manager and then move in to the …” whereas for Trading the pathway priorities might be quite different (heavily focused on lightweight to help extend range further?). Maybe the right model is a hybrid of partial G3 upgrades in FSD before getting a few upgrades in another module before bothering to fully G5 the FSD?

When I combine the engineering choices with the potential of going down the guardian FSd collection grind versus now focusing on some other module next that might be better for quality of life I’m feeling a little lost.

There’s heaps of options within engineering and I can see for many the enjoyment of getting into all this detail. I just don’t have the time to experiment and want to follow some good “best practices”

I’ve currently grinded my way to G5 FSD with Mass Manager for my Python and thinking what’s the next steps (I enjoy mining platinum in my Python if there’s specifics people are after. )

I would appreciate if anyone could me know if there’s a good resource out there with these sorts of recommendations broken down by various common play styles please!


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