How are you guys making TRILLIONS of credits?

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hulamrut avatar
Level badge Rookiguey (4)
Posted 5 months ago.

I started playing back in 2020, my "approximate time played" is 5 weeks, and my number for my current assets only sits around 2.5 billion. I then see other players flaunting their credit balances in the hundreds of trillions .

Many times I've tried looking up what the best way to make money is, and all the options I try are either obvious red herrings by players gatekeeping the real methods or just plain obsolete.

So could anyone share the secrets of what exactly those players are doing?


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 5 months ago.

hi there,

in the past there were ways to make a lot of credits, very fast; Frontier would later shutdown down. One of them I remember was being the egg. The egg you could farm Low Tempture Diamonds (LTD), which sold for 1.5 million each. A cargo hull full of LTD could net you around a billion worth of credits. If you had a carrier, you could fill up the carrier and sell multiple loads - which made a crazy amount of credits. Frontier of-course would stop anything like this pretty quick, but whilst it was working many of us took advantage of it.


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