Several questions from a new player

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roksakure avatar
Level badge Rookiguey (4)
Posted 5 months ago.

I will number them because I am bit a menace

can you lose progress in this game? I know in some games you can lost a bunch of progress (such as GTA online, if you're selling bunker product which can take hours to get, someone can grief you etc and you lose it)

is there a single player mode you can play, or an offline mode

how grindy is this game? Is it the kind of game where its incredibly difficult if you don't play it like a job etc
how decent of a game is it if you are playing alone, I know some games can get boring fast with no friends

is there a clear goal? Like you must do x y z, or is it more sandbox style

is the vr any good or worth using?

is the game complicated

if I was to get and play the game, is there like a tutorial or video to help me get my bearings and enjoy the game

Any help is much appreciated.


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