After 500h I finally died to thargoids

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niyarw1 avatar
Level badge Rookiguey (4)
Posted 2 months ago.

I always wanted to see it, but at the same time I always knew I would be pissed if I lost my ship with everything on it and there was nothing to do about it, so I never tried to get close because I have nothing AX. I happened to be using a DBX to jump around (not my main ship, that'd be the anaconda) and only lost 100k in cartographic data and 400k in rebuy. I expected to die way, way faster than I did, which surprised me a lot. I guess I'm just happy I can now say I've been killed by thargoids ( and therefore took part in the war as a valiant hero) and actually lost nothing (the credits are negligible, specially when 10 minutes earlier or later that 400k rebuy would have been a 20M rebuy lol)

Where do I ask for veteran benefits again?


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