E:D Trade-Helper Mk3 bugged with higher ly's

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Chrakker avatar
Level badge Skillguey (7)
Posted 9 years ago.

Hey there,

the Mk3 seems to be bugged out, when it should go over 30 ly to look for trade offers in any specific area.

I will show what I mean below:

Look closely at the Profits, they should still be there, even when I higher the Range of Search, only the lower profits should be eliminated. (no?)

Look at the ~1500 Cr. Profit, it should stay where it belongs, right near the top at least, no?

Now 10 ly's more please!
Now the original way is replaced by the same starting point, OK - more profit ...

Now 50 ly's range, the top result in our List until 40ly's is completely gone. why?

Strangely, 50 & 60 ly behave consistent, only the bottom entries are getting worked, while the top ones can stay.

I have no idea how this works, but somehow it feels off.
Or am I wrong here?

Best Regards,


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 9 years ago.

hi there,

well, the trade-helper works by giving it a set origin (Eravate in your example), then searching for the best price for each ware in a set area (depending on range). It searches for the lowest supply price and the highest demand price for each ware. ie. buy at lowest, sell at highest.

If you look at your Palladium example, you will see that its found for sale at 1,741cr (30/40ly), but with a wider range (50/60ly) its found it cheaper at 1,585cr (so, 156cr less).

Please remember that the range is from the centre point, so 60ly could mean two systems are up-to 120ly away;


The trade-helper should work at longer ranges but I felt that 120ly was enough. In the first version it used to struggle at 20/30ly.


Chrakker avatar
Level badge Skillguey (7)
Posted 9 years ago.

Ah ok now I get it.

I was just thinking about another approach, where you do not lay off the good profit trade routes, isntead sort them per Commodity(1), Profit(2) and Distance (3)
For example

|| Eravate(xyz) -> Kini(abc) - 25ly - Profit: 1750
|| AnotherSystem(xx) -> Some other route() - 37ly - Profit: 1710
|| AnotherSystem(xx) -> Some other route() - 34ly - Profit: 1680
|| AnotherSystem(xx) -> Some other route() - 38ly - Profit: 1480
|| AnotherSystem(xx) -> Some other route() - 38ly - Profit: 1380
and so on ...

But it is alright the way you mentioned it to work.

Now when I think about it, the suggestion might be a good addition to the current system, maybe in another view, or Mk...
It would be the best way to find out the trade routes, that give a good profit, but have no so high risks (short Travel Distance or a lower-value Commodity with decent profit, so you do not fly around with tonnes of Credits in your backpack, isntead sacrifice a bit of the profit margin by lowering the risk)

Do you think this is in some way possible to deploy on the site or even worth it?

Would be glad to hear some argumentation for this.
Although now this became a suggestion Thread Big grin (maybe move it?)


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 9 years ago.

hmm... well I like idea of stacking of multiple wares but would the list not get rather large? They would also probably say take to the same place, because naturally you would want to sell for the highest price.

I was kind-of thinking that the mk3 would just give a summary of nearby deals - so what can I pick-up near xyz? When you find something of interest then use the mk2 version to check for deals between systems. I guess the best thing would be a helper which can work out nearby deals, and return offers - but this would be quite complex.

Awhile back when I first did the Mk3 (which at first replaced the Mk1) quite a few people ask me to put the Mk1 back. So I know there are quite a few people wanting to do it manually.


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