Thanks for The Video Review

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BigVern avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 5 years ago.

Quite timely as with x4 having popped up with a £10 discount in the Steam Sale I was tempted. However think I will continue to hold out as, frankly, bugs such as ships passing through others shows lousy collision and evasion programming. Seems Ego haven't learned from X2 when enemies simply kamikazied your ship.

Time to dust off the ED key commands and head for Beagle Point again...


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 5 years ago.

hi there,

thanks for kind words. X4 should improve in time, and ill have to relook at the game.

as for beale point, thats a long way! is there much out there?


BigVern avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 5 years ago.

I went to Beagle Point last year and other than being kind of a trainspotter underline the number with 65k LY to Sol in the viewscreen, there's not really much to see, followed by a whole lot of nothing for two weeks to get home again! I was slightly miffed to not even make enough on my scans to achieve Elite for Explorer.

That is the main issue with ED vs. X (IMHO), Braben gave us this huge to scale galaxy to explore but outside a few nebulae there's not much to see. All the exotic sounding region names like "Formidine Rift", "Viattori Pattuit" etc. all just end up being another region of identikit stars with, for the most part, a few uninteresting rock, ice and metal planets.

That is where the X games tend to win out, in particular Terran Conflict as many systems were hand drawn and have a distinctive feel - and music accompaniment!


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 5 years ago.

I know what you mean about the Elite universe. So far I havnt really seen much different either. I havnt gone as far as Beale point - just recently went to the center. Is it possible to see lighting clouds? or was that something rumour? However after awhile you want to head home.


BigVern avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 5 years ago.

Never saw anything like lightning at BP. The main view is the almost total blackness as you look away from the galactic core!

Back OT, I'll continue to watch for any changes or updates with X4 - summer Steam sale might be the optimal time to take the plunge.


BigVern avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 3 years ago.

Sorry to bump this old thread.
Thought I would give X4 a try in the Xmas sale, figuring Egosoft by now in the lifecycle have usually tidied up the bugs.
Sadly very disappointed. Great difficulty getting it to set up with my Logitech 3D Pro joystick. The first tutorial I tried got stuck on one of the look around instructions.
After messing about for half an hour or so getting nowhere, refunded on Steam.

Sadly this seems to conclude my involvement with the X Universe. X3 TC and presumably AP don't have scaleable fonts when played on a 4K screen and I don't really fancy playing at a lower resolution. X-Rebirth last time I tried was also being awkward with the joysick and again doesn't scale the on screen fonts so they are readable at 4K.


BigVern avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 3 years ago.

Just thought I'd post an addendum to the above - X3 AP up and running at 1920 x 1080. Not as pretty as 4K but at least the fonts are readable so off to do some trading...


BigVern avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 3 years ago.

Well after discovering the limitations of AP (you can't trade in Terran territory if you start as an Argon) decided to give X4 another go. Managed to get up and running, this time ignoring the tutorials for now. Still a bit weird on the old joystick, z axis should traditionally roll the ship but I can't get that to take. Also for some reason it doesn't recognise the fire button = maybe it's wearing out as I was having issues in ED with it too.

Anyhow done a couple of simple station missions including one going EVA so guess it's just a case of knuckling down and seeing what else the game has to offer.


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 3 years ago.

X4 isnt the easiest games to get into, and as you said there something missing or not quite right with X4. If you keep going, it does get better. Although it was strange when I was playing the whole game from the map (telling NPCs where to go).

As for X3/TC/AP those are pretty old games, which dont scale very well with high resolutions, or tech (only uses 1 cpu core in nowadays tech seems crazy, especially when game has been coded to have in-sector and out-of sector calculations - which could be split onto a separate cores).

I guess many would of prefered X4 to be an updated version of the X3 engine rather than the X-Rebirth one.


BigVern avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 3 years ago.

Although it was strange when I was playing the whole game from the map (telling NPCs where to go.
- Roguey

Sounds like one of those early 90's Amiga games with the flash cover but the actual gameplay was 2D!

Anyway I'm still dipping into it now and again but progress is painfully slow. Some of the stuff seems almost too procedural like the one red ship which spawns around every station as you're about to dock. You take it on, accidentally ping the station and get a wanted rating!


ParanoidMike avatar
Level badge Tropguey (5)
Posted 3 years ago.

Well after discovering the limitations of AP (you can't trade in Terran territory if you start as an Argon) ...
- BigVern

You can certainly trade in Terran territory if you're starting as an Argon. X3 TC and AP are both very forgiving when it comes to making enemies. I once destroyed entire Terran core sectors (well as much as possible anyway), was at the bottom reputation and probably the most hated Argon in the X universe.

Even this state could be fixed by flying in border Terran sectors destroying Xenon (or other Argon) until rep climbed a bit. After a while you can "legally" enter border sectors again, do some low key missions and work your way up to the max Terran rank.


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