Just saying hello

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Splyce avatar
Level badge Boguey (2)
Posted 11 years ago.

Hey, just joined here and on the Steam group. Just popping in and introducing myself. Currently 70+ hours into my first "proper" X3tc playthrough (finally got my head around it and loving it) Smile


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 11 years ago.

Hey Splyce, welcome to the site Wave

What ship do you have in X3TC?


Splyce avatar
Level badge Boguey (2)
Posted 11 years ago.

At the moment I'm taking baby steps into starting up a trading/manufacturing empire (after faffing for far too long) so I've got 12 TSs either as CAGs running from my 1 complex (beef - cahoonas), my silica mine in the ore belt or my plankton factory or rolling around the universe as STs/UTs. I'm also using one as storage as I can't find any better solution at the moment to stroing all the crap I pick up while fighting pirates/smugglers.

They're mostly Mercurys/Demeters but a couple of Mistral Super Freighters are in there too.

I've also got 2 Nova Raiders, one of which is protecting my complex (no need to sell it so putting it to use) and the other has a jump drive so I use that one use my everyday pirate hunter.

I also have a small M4 I picked up somewhere - it's sitting at my silica mine as a small amount of protection.

Actually, my next move will be to get a bigger ship to take on the harder pirate groups (maybe an M6). I've got about 20mil and was wondering what to get next. Any suggestions? Weapon loadout would also be useful - I'm still getting my head around what weapons are good for taking bigger ships down. Obviously if I need race rep for any suggestions I'll build that up first.

Cheers in advance Smile


TheWhiteTiger avatar
Level badge Specoguey (14)
Posted 11 years ago.

Welcome, Splyce.


cjm3fl avatar
Level badge Instruguey (13)
Posted 11 years ago.

Hiya Splyce and welcome!
Nice to have another TC player with us.

I started out with trading almost 92 game-days ago. I recently started getting into the manufacturing part of the game, mostly to keep my ships supplied and meet the needs of the HUB plot.

For storage purposes, I use TL's. My first was a Split Elephant but I found Argon Mammoths to be better for this job...so far I am using 6 of them. I kept the Elephant (actually have 2 now) and have it following me around for re-supply and carrying some fighter escorts.

Gotta love those Nova Raiders! I think they are a good all-around M3 fighter and always have a couple close by.

I favor Split ships myself, for an M6 suggestion I would say one of the Dragons models. The 'Dragon' has great speed and and better cargo. The 'Heavy Dragon' has really nice speed and decent cargo. Both will load-out good weapons (don't forget missiles!).

Although you can't go wrong with a Boron Hydra. Okay speed and a really nice cargo capacity.

Weapons will depend on what you plan to tackle. If your ship has a rear turret, or only a single turret..don't forget missile defense. I use PRG and PBE for this task.
For main guns on an M6 I like ISR, CIG, and PRG. Of course weapons is a personal decision Wink

The way that you are playing your game, to raise race-rep I would do some trading with those you want to impress.
Doing missions from stations is also a good way. I liked doing 'passenger transport' but 'assassin' were always good..and fun Guns
And as your rep increased...so does your pay for each mission.

It's not what someone has done..it's about what they are about to do!

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