Roguey's X3 Mod explanation (Page 1 of 8)
Written by NetHawk,
Table of Contents
1. Foreword
2. Introduction to Roguey's Mod for X3 Reunion
3. Feature list
4. The parts
- Main mod,
- GUI/HUD mod,
- No mini asteroids,
- Classic rules,
5. Features explained
- New ships and ship classes,
- New sectors and improved ones,
- New life for the old universe,
- News report system and other BBS stuff,
- General game speed ups,
- Graphical and sound improvements,
- Game improvements,
- New complex hub,
- Custom start positions,
- Complex hub,
6. Ships, Classes, Weapons
- Intro,
- Shields,
- Ships,
- Weapons,
7. Classic rules
8. Spoilers
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