Most disliked race

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Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 12 years ago.

I wondering for whatever reason which race do you dislike the most in X3AP? It can be for any reason.

Sorry I had to group the Argon and Terrans together, but my poll will only allow 5 options. I figured both were humans anyway, whilst the others are more alien like :p


bozo64r avatar
Level badge Miltaguey (15)
Posted 12 years ago.

I dislike the paranid the most, only cause they never give any good mission :P


martimus avatar
Level badge Boneguey (9)
Posted 12 years ago.

I also don't really like the Paranid. I don't really know why, but I want to restart once I complete my goals and play a game where I have an open war against the Paranid.


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 12 years ago.

Poor Paranid - although they do talk down to you.. I really hate that: lower life talk:


Kirlack avatar
Level badge Specoguey (14)
Posted 12 years ago.

I hate the Paranid. I felt it necessary to emphasize this point, hence the italics. Why you might ask?

Condescension: The entire species talks down to everyone, all the time. They are so convinced that they are the universes perfect example of life that they have a right to treat everyone else as 'inferior beings'

Religion: I'm not a big fan of religion at the best of times, and the Paranid religion is the primary cause of their superiority complex.

The Duke: For a species that claims to be holier-than-thou at every available opportunity, they seem to be backing the activities of the lowest form of life, the Pirates. Ever wondered why you can buy a Paranid Police License at Dukes HQ?

So yeah, I hate the Paranid. With the exception of Hurricane and Hornet missile fabs I don't buy anything from them (maybe a PSG forge if I've managed to cap one of their ships). They're always my first choice of targets for piracy, and when I go on a genocidal rampage I normally start in Unholy Descent and work my way north.

Sniper Flame Rambo Guns Bomb < consider me the one on the left, and the Priest Emperor the one on the right :p

Madder than a Bastard on fathers day.
My DiDs: Peace(s) of Eight - Way of the Gun - Status: Online, A Xenon DiD

Triscopic avatar
Level badge Fightguey (6)
Posted 12 years ago.

For me it's the Terrans... but the Argon are my favourite. The Terrans are a bit too aggressive about what they perceive as right and wrong (i.e. creating AGI) and Xenophobic. Also why can't they make their damn gates jumpable? That's just rude.

I'm not a massive fan of the Three-Eyes though, which, conversely, is why I like Dukes. They might be a bunch of pirates but I've always assumed that their existence as Pirates is because they don't agree with the Paranid establishment. Certainly I've seen the 'nids attacking Duke's ships, so I don't think they're very pally.

Of the commonwealth races my least favourite is the Split, mainly for the way they've historically stomped all over the Boron.


Ripskar avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 12 years ago.

Paranid, In TC they were next to useless and thus an easy target, especially given the attitude.
In AP as a Terran I have my arm twisted into a more accommodating relationship with them for the sake of Commodity Logistics Software, (and the opportunity to attack Argon shipping in 'friendly' sectors).
Frankly the Argies really shot themselves in the foot starting this war.
It's forcing the Terrans to side with the Profit Guild and sow dissent between the Commonwealth races at the point when a Xenon Invasion is threatening the existence of the Commonwealth.

Somewhere out there is a Cobra Mk III with my name on it.
It isn&#39;t mine, some rando actually wrote my name across the side of his ship...

Alpharius77 avatar
Level badge Tropguey (5)
Posted 12 years ago.

Whenever I start a game of X3 (TC or AP) I always choose a race to prey upon to cap their ships. The Paranid are arrogant jerks so its almost a no-brainer for me. A close second is the Split. And like one previous poster said, I too like to make all out war with one or both of these 2 races.

"Courage will carry you only so far; overwhelming firepower will take you the rest of the way" -- Unknown Infantryman

SMITHY77 avatar
Level badge Fightguey (6)
Posted 12 years ago.

For me it's the squiddies (Boron). I just don't like fish. Can't trust something that will swim in its own pee, their ammonia heavy stations just smell, they act like they are helpless half the time and yet they have warred with about every race there is. If I see another sector with a ocean analogy in it I will scream!

Remember though, don't be speciesist, blow them all up equally. . . .

*P.S. The poll doesn't seem to be showing my vote for the Boron either? See the damn fish folk have hacked your site to stop them from being revealed! Hmmm make that reviled.


suzukigsxr avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 12 years ago.

Paranid Grumpy Buggers i like split they always seem to have good ships.

its why i keep capping agamemnon's lol

Oh and further update 11 Xenon I's

Big grin


helfenbein avatar
Level badge Skillguey (7)
Posted 12 years ago.

Personaly I dislike the xenon... Because they are xenon!


suzukigsxr avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 12 years ago.

I Love Xenon they keep tempting me with Xenon I's Big grin


helfenbein avatar
Level badge Skillguey (7)
Posted 12 years ago.

Yes I saw your posts, but on a logical scale, the xenon are just over egotistical idiots.


suzukigsxr avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 12 years ago.

Yes it is true they tend to be a bit closed minded but heh!! its their fault everyone wants to kill them or cap them Big grin
and for me they do have some very nice ships.

the strange thing i've noticed is all the terran weaponry they are using.


Kirlack avatar
Level badge Specoguey (14)
Posted 12 years ago.

Yes I saw your posts, but on a logical scale, the xenon are just over egotistical idiots.
- helfenbein

Egotistical machines? How's that work?

the strange thing ive noticed is all the terran weaponry they are using.
- suzukigsxr

Not strange really, considering that Xenon were originally designed by Earth engineers and scientists for terraforming duties in the alien gate network.

Madder than a Bastard on fathers day.
My DiDs: Peace(s) of Eight - Way of the Gun - Status: Online, A Xenon DiD

helfenbein avatar
Level badge Skillguey (7)
Posted 12 years ago.

Egotistical machines? How's that work?

- Kirlack

They are not meerly machines, they are thinking AI, they easily could have a bug in which they consider themselves superior in tech and numbers when often they are not.

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