Command & Conquer: 3 » News

Tiberian History Mod - Nod SAM In Action
Added by TheWhiteTiger, on Friday 10th August, 2012 |
New screen shots of the C&C: Tiberian History mod has been posted, featuring the new Nod SAM in action. The Nod SAM will be featured in the fifth release of the mod and it'll cost $800 to build. Take a look.
More Tiberian History screen shots can be found here.
More Tiberian History screen shots can be found here.

New Tiberian Apocalypse GDI Weapons & Structures
Added by The White tiger, on Monday 5th September, 2011 |
The Tiberian Apcalypse has been recently updated with some new screen shots of new weapons and structures such as the brand new GDI powerplant, the GDI Orca Bomber and more. Check them out below.
You can browse the whole Tiberian Apocalypse gallery, right here.
You can browse the whole Tiberian Apocalypse gallery, right here.

Tiberium Conspiracy mod - New Concept Art
Added by The White tiger, on Thursday 14th July, 2011 |
A new concept art of the C&C: Tiberium Conspiracy mod for C&C3: Tiberium Wars has been revealed, featuring the brand new GDI Light infantry concept. Take a closer look.
Click here for more concepts.

Click here for more concepts.

New CNC Fallout Screen Shots
Added by The White tiger, on Saturday 26th March, 2011 |
New in game screen shots of the CNC Fallout mod for C&C3: Tiberium Wars have been posted, featuring the latest units and structures of the mod like, the new Stalin MCV, Soviet construction yard, Australian MCV and more.
You can view more CNC Fallout screen shots right here.
You can view more CNC Fallout screen shots right here.

Latest HaloRTS Screen Shots
Added by The White tiger, on Sunday 20th March, 2011 |
New in game screen shots of the HaloRTS mod have been shown. These screen shots show off the latest stuff of the mod like, the new Scorpion RC1, the extremely powerful Scarab and more. HaloRTS team has also shown a new High Ground Map map that have been created by madiba127. Below are some samples.
More screen shots and details can be found here.
More screen shots and details can be found here.

C&C IV Tiberian Eclipse Mod Interview
Added by The White tiger, on Thursday 12th August, 2010 |
CNCNZ has just conducted an interview with Coolness7 the leader and the director of the C&C IV Tiberian Eclipse Mod, In this interview he presents himself and his team to the community and he presents his great project as well. Below are some of the questions.
The full interview is right here.
Please tell us something about yourself and about your mod team?
I'm Damien, aka, Coolness7, aka, Naraku and I like Strategy games, Call of Duty, Need For Speed. I own a ps3 and I'm not as addicted to Starcraft 2 as some of the other people on the mod. The mod team does their best and even though there are about 20 of us, only about 6-10 of us get online at the same time (usually). Jay is the project coordinator and he runs the website, he's very helpful when he's not PO'd about something, and out of all of our team, everyone wants to do the storywriting, the team really comes up with great ideas and its a shame that we can't use them all.
As we all know you've made a great start with your mod so can you please tell us something about it?
This mod started out as an idea to bring classic gameplay to C&C4, but since a C&C4 SDK was never released and probably never will be, we decided to move the project over to C&C3. At first we all put together our ideas and we didn't have the experience to put the plan into motion, but as time went on, we got support and more great team members. This mod plans to bring the C&C4 class system into C&C3 and fuse it with traditional gameplay that we wanted to see in C&C4.
I'm Damien, aka, Coolness7, aka, Naraku and I like Strategy games, Call of Duty, Need For Speed. I own a ps3 and I'm not as addicted to Starcraft 2 as some of the other people on the mod. The mod team does their best and even though there are about 20 of us, only about 6-10 of us get online at the same time (usually). Jay is the project coordinator and he runs the website, he's very helpful when he's not PO'd about something, and out of all of our team, everyone wants to do the storywriting, the team really comes up with great ideas and its a shame that we can't use them all.
As we all know you've made a great start with your mod so can you please tell us something about it?
This mod started out as an idea to bring classic gameplay to C&C4, but since a C&C4 SDK was never released and probably never will be, we decided to move the project over to C&C3. At first we all put together our ideas and we didn't have the experience to put the plan into motion, but as time went on, we got support and more great team members. This mod plans to bring the C&C4 class system into C&C3 and fuse it with traditional gameplay that we wanted to see in C&C4.
The full interview is right here.
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