Generals » News

Tiberian Sun Redux Mod Three New Infantry Units
Added by The White tiger, on Tuesday 8th November, 2011 |
Three infantry models of the Tiberian Sun Redux mod has been posted and those three units are, GDI Rifleman Trooper, GDI Jumpjet Trooper and GDI Disc Thrower Trooper which has been armed with explosive disc that can bounce along terrain, it delivers damage to infantry, vehicles and structures as well.
You can see more screen shots right here.
You can see more screen shots right here.

New Tiberian Sun Redux Screen Shots
Added by The White tiger, on Thursday 11th August, 2011 |
Several new screen shots of the Tiberian Sun Redux mod for Zero Hour have been posted, showing off Nod Missile Silo as well as some in game screen shots of different missions from the mod.
All the latest Tiberian Sun Redux screen shots can be found here.
All the latest Tiberian Sun Redux screen shots can be found here.

New Vortex Mod Concepts
Added by The White tiger, on Monday 13th June, 2011 |
Flashknight33 has just revealed the latest concepts of the Vortex mod, showing off the latest weapons of the mod like the new Soviet Terror Drone and NOD Thermowave Cannon. Take a look.
Visit the Vortex ModDB profile or official website for more.
Visit the Vortex ModDB profile or official website for more.

New Tiberian Sun Redux Mod Models & Screen Shots
Added by The White tiger, on Monday 16th May, 2011 |
New models and screen shots of the Tiberian Sun Redux mod for Zero Hour have just been posted. They show off all some new units of the mod like the new GDI Disrupter, NOD Artillery and more. Below are some samples.
You can view more models and screen shots right here.
You can view more models and screen shots right here.

New Contra Mod Renders
Added by The White tiger, on Thursday 12th May, 2011 |
New C&C: Contra mod renders have been posted recently, featuring some new and cool units and weapons such as, the new US Cyborg, the US Insectoid drone and more. Check out these two sample renders.
Visit the Contra ModDB profile for more.
Visit the Contra ModDB profile for more.

C&C: Vortex Mod - Nuclear Missile
Added by The White tiger, on Monday 2nd May, 2011 |
New gameplay video of the Vortex mod for Zero Hour has been posted and it shows off the new Nuclear Missile in game which is very powerful and it cause a huge damage to the enemy base when it's the target. Check this out.
More information can be found right here.
More information can be found right here.

The Latest C&C: Enhanced Screen Shots
Added by The White tiger, on Thursday 31st March, 2011 |
New HQ screen shots of the C&C: Enhanced mod for Zero hour has just been shown. These screen shots show off some of the mod's latest objects like, New USA Defense, new Experimental Environment view and more. Take a look.
Click here, for more Enhanced screen shots.
Click here, for more Enhanced screen shots.

Latest Vortex Updates
Added by The White tiger, on Wednesday 26th January, 2011 |
The team of the vortex mod has just posted some new screen shots and models, featuring the mod's latest units and structures such as, the brand new Nod sam site, Nod Scorpion MBT, Nod Devil's Tounge and more. Have a look.
Visit the Vortex modDB profile for more.
Visit the Vortex modDB profile for more.

The European Conflict Mod - The UAN have arrived!
Added by The White tiger, on Thursday 2nd September, 2010 |
After a long time, The team of the European Conflict Mod has just posted the latest updates of the Mod. These updates replaces the three sides of the game with new ones and each side has different units buildings and technologies.
Click here for the full information.

Welcome back, Commander. It's been far too long. Thus echo the immortal words. It's been years in the planning, and today, finally, you will get a taste of what is to come, but not quite in the manner in which you would have envisaged - your enemies today are your own countrymen. Our base is under attack, not from any visible enemy, but instead, from hostile forces within our own faction.
Click here for the full information.
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