Monday 11th August, 2003 ·
Posted by BobaDeath, .
Deezire,Another great site of the C&C Community needs a new home right away. Here is the requirements that must be met:
Yup indeedy! DeeZire Online is urgently in need of a new home. This may be a temporary arangement, however at this time I am taking a longer term view and a permanent new home will probably be required.
If you can help, please drop me a line ASAP and I can send the finer details, although the headlines are that this site needs;-
high bandwidth allowance
high webspace requirement
allowance for the DNS redirect to the new home
POP3 email, PHP, MySQL and FTP support
If you can help, please get in touch. DeeZire Online has remained a consistent and reliable resource and central to the C&C editing community over the last 3 - 4 years and still exists primarily on the voluntary work done by its members although it can only be sustained for another month.
To this end, I wish to maintain the site 'as-is' and hopefully just transfer the site in its current state from its present host to a new one. Above all, the site needs a reliable host.
Serious offers only please, if you can help please get in touch!
If you can help this great site contact them ASAP!